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We cover a different topic every week. From prospecting to product training, registering Customers vs. Consultants, and of course, the power of live stories... we'll do our best to continue covering it all. Contact: Vance 503-348-0749

Contact the person that referred you to this site. If you weren't referred to this site contact Steve Crofoot at or visit

Tools to Use - Things To Know

Already Singing Karaoke! 
Click Here to Listen to the Team Rogers Mentoring call from May 1, 2017.
Many that were in Orlando at the Now You See Me Event reported what they learned. Sounds like we that weren't there missed the best event ever! (Would you think any different about any event Ben and Kim Would be in charge of?)

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January 23, 2017Two amazing Video's from this Past Week.

#1  Aligning with Success w/Mike DiMuccio - January 16, 2017
Quoting the Royal Alliance website: "On the road of the Active Wellness Tour this call is packed with insights from hosts on what they would do differently, what they gained and what this tour means to their business!"

From between 22:00 minutes in and the end of the call, these phrases are worth a fortune. Mike told us to be Bold, REALLY BOLD, and to, with conviction we have never exhibited before, use these phrases because they work. 
“[YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF] to stop and listen [to me]. 

I’m calling you because l am absolutely compelled to call you, to tell you what I know, what I feel, what I see, what I believe to be true…it may not necessarily fall that way for you, but I cannot help myself, I’m compelled to do so… 

So please, indulge me, allow me this moment in time, to share with you, what I am so gob, smack, excited about. 

Indulge me, indulge me...Just Indulge Me

I realize Nikken is a business.

I realize Nikken involves transaction.

I realize Nikken involves products...”


Help me share these products with them] 

And this is only the tip of the iceberg. Mike also gives us an amazing testimony of why he trusted Nikken for his future.

#2 Leadership Call w/ Ben Woodward - January 17, 2017
Quoting the Royal Alliance website: "Critical in our success - Downline and Upline communications is the topic of this call. More importantly, the attitude with which we approach this communication!"


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Tools Suggested by Ben and Dave - September 12, 2016

 Featured Audio Clip!  Lou Holtz: Game Plan for Success

 Featured Read!   The Compounding Effect by Darren Hardy

 Must See Video!   BioPulsar & Nikken Technology! Featuring: Ursula Dowd, Dr. Gary Lindner & Ben Woodward

 Upcoming Events!   Click here for the calendar.

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Click Here to Download:   Magnetism Why Good Health Begins With It

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Re-Posted From Dec 2015

Steve's "Make You Happy" Bakers Dozen Bites to Chew On:

A few links that will strengthen you as a "Customer Acquisition Specialist" in Nikken. Thanks to so many that have created and shared this information.

#1. Click here to Listen to Brody Crainey explain: Playing With the New Rules on Dave Johnson's Call of a Leader Call November 21, 2015

Many are resistant to change and are very nervous about the announced changes. Brody explains why the new rules were needed, the advantages of them changing, in a simple to understand manner all will enjoy. Share this link with your Nikken Family.

#2. Click here to watch Gary Bolton teach us how to customize our Facebook Posts so we promote our business and not someone else's. Thank you Gary for sharing this information

#3. Click here to download Karen Sutula's BEAUTIFUL Holiday Gift Flyer shown above and post it to Facebook using Gary's instructions. Thank you Karen.  WE LOVE IT!

#4. Click here to watch Dr. Gary Linder Active Wellness Presentation - Don't be Afraid

#5. Click here to watch Rick Murphy present The NIKKEN Plan
5-5000 Business Launch

#6. Click here for Molly and Emma Simpson sharing how they have fun and excite prospects using a Party Plan they have developed over the last 6 months. Recorded Saturday, September 19, 2015. a few things that may b very helpful in your role as a "Customer Acquisition Specialist" in Nikken.

#7. Click here to download Molly's complete kit to conduct Amazing "Wellness Evening" or "Energy Nights".

#8. Click here to watch a Ursula Dowd Video using Biopulsar-Reflexograph Technology which shows scientific documentation of what we have experienced for years

#9. Click here to download the slides Ursula Dowd used in San Antonio. Note that the light blue color signifies that the body the most in balance and the yellows shows that area out of balance

#10. Click here to watch a video from Eric Worre at Network Marketing Pro titled 25 To Life - A Better Life. In it you will meet Adam & Vanessa Green. They are young and have had great success using the book: The Four Year Career in building a huge network.

#11. Click here to download Suggested Customer Starter Packs

#12. Click here to download Suggested QE Starter Packs

#13. Click here to download Dennis & Ruth Williams' Christmas Gift Ideas

Posted July 2015

Presentation by Dr. Jen Bessire is by far the best use of your time for education and motivation about DUK Tape:
Dr. Jen also was on the Morning Rev Call and Shared her Story and Use of DUK:

Video's Explaining Kinesio Taping Techniques:

Vodeo - When to Loan Product by Pat Terry:

Introductions to Nikken:

1. “A Life in Balance”: The Nikken Brand video. (Shares the Five Pillars of Health as our Unique Selling Point.)

2. “Discover Freedom”: The Nikken Business Opportunity video. (Shares what Nikken can do for the business builder.)

3. “Why Nikken?”: As Shared by President Ben Woodward (Created by Ben as European MD.)

Choosing to Build a Nikken Business:

1. “The New Nikken”: PDF that introduces Quality Enrollments, the Nikken Plan, Team Kaizen and Team Taishi: 
2. Videos that explains the New Nikken and the Nikken Plan as outlined in the above PDF in detail.

The New Nikken:

Quality Enrollments:

3. "Business 21 Club”: PDF that explains this business building program with a recently introduced payout to the A and the B: 

4. "Paragon Award”: PDF that explains this business building program that is now a Double Paragon Award and offering a $2000 payout.

2016 Incentives to support Quality Enrollments and the Nikken Plan:

Click Here for: Featured News, Current Promotions & Incentives from Nikken Website
Follow up training, encouragement and contact:

1. “Launching Your Nikken Business”: Video explaining how to launch or relaunch your business. (Do the Nikken Plan x 10!)

2. “Show Me the Money!”: Video explaining how to combine all Nikken 2.0 programs and incentives to maximize earnings.

2. “40th Anniversary Celebration”: Video highlighting the amazing March 2015 celebration of 40 years of Nikken.

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