Click Here to Listen to this weeks call With Nancy Lindbloom.
"27 Years ago Don took a fall on a construction site and fell 9 feet into a cellar hole onto gravel landing on his back. The Doctors had him up that night in a back brace and life went on for him and us. A very lucky Man and Newlywed of four weeks to me! Within three months of the accident three of his lower vertebrae fused on their own, and he lost six inches in his height. His lower spine is the shape of an "S" lying own--so his hips and body are six inches different from each side.
15 years ago he started on the NIKKEN Technologies and two years ago he was getting a lot of discomfort and his balance was way off. He was a boater on Lake Winnipesaukee for 51 years and this was his first love next to me. We had to give boating up--this was a very big part of our lives!! In March of 2017 he was diagnosed with not only arthritis we knew he had, but stenosis, scoliosis and disc damage after his first MRI was taken. If the accident happened now, he would have had about 35 screws put in his back and life would have been fine at this time in his life.
While Don will not be sharing, we get to hear from his wife Nancy who has watched all this unfold.
The call will commence at 7:00am PST and the number to dial is 218-548-1536, code 1536#. If you miss it live, check out this recording and so much more at: www.SaturdayAMLive.com
I do hope you can join us,
Read Vance's Tip of the Week
"July 6, 2018
Friendly on the 4th
We just celebrated our nations birthday and I couldn’t help but notice again how much more friendly people are on a holiday like the 4th of July. Regardless of politics or beliefs, everyone seems to be grateful for the freedom and independence that we have in America.
Freedom from pain isn’t something that everyone enjoys though. This was evident in the two texts I received this week from two new friends that we’ve introduced to Nikken.
First one is from our new neighbor who has suffered from major shoulder and neck issues since the birth of their oldest son six years ago. When I handed her my Powerband necklace on the 4th, she put it on, and within seconds spoke up a little louder to her husband who was standing a few feet away. ‘Josh, can you please tell Vance that I haven’t been able to raise my arms this high in years!’ As her eyes filled with tears, the three of us enjoyed a moment that I’ll never forget.
Second text is from an even newer friend we met last Sunday morning while dropping our youngest kids at camp. Within a few minutes of meeting, somehow us men got to talking about weight and he shared the emotional pain of losing, gaining, losing, and gaining weight most of his adult life. I shared with him about my friends Ann & Laurie who fought this battle and won using our KVB. He looked at me and asked, ‘I’m 100% open to anything, can you hook me up?’ I shared with him that my journey of weight maintenance was made much easier with the knowledge taught to me from Roger Drummer and told him that I’d send him the presentation from YouTube.
‘I just texted Josh this morning because I didn’t have your cell #. Last night was the first night in months that I was not woken up from the pain in my back and shoulders!!! I’m blown away.
‘This Roger Drummer is awesome! I’ve listened to it twice and I’m just now starting it the 3rd time.’
All this to say that when people are open to change, it may be that a product handed to them or a link to more information that seals the deal. The key is that they have to be open. After all, Dennis Williams taught me years ago that we should never seek to close the deal, simply open them to Nikken."