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Sunday, April 30, 2017

Ultimate Solution? and Team Kaizen member Herb Rapp on Saturday AM Live!

Herb and Grace Have Been Blessed

Click Here to Listen to Vance and Herb Rapp have a great time sharing Herb's story of success and changing lives.

There are only two members of Team Taizen who have been part of this elite group from the beginning. Herb Rapp will be the first to tell you that it takes a decisive decision to earn a spot in this group three years in a row. And at the same time, once that decision has been made, it is worth every ounce of sweat equity because the end result is all too sweet.

Herb set some record breaking volume amounts years ago and he still doing it today. In a time when most people his age are wandering aimlessly in retirement with no real purpose in life, Herb has a laser focus that is contagious.

 Vance's Tip of the week: 
"Ultimate Solution?

'I think I just got you another customer! My wife got into the canister and she immediately said that I need to order more.'

It's not every day that I get this kind of response in less than 48 hours after a customer uses the Vital Balance, but I love it when it happens. What was originally purchased for the son to put on weight is now being used by three of the four family members and they are all loving the benefits.

Weight management are two words that are not very popular in our culture and yet Nikken is willing to raise the bar and set a new standard in this industry. We really do have a solution that is fantastic for everyone who eats. And what our family loves is that it's not age restrictive because organic-based nutrition is after all, real food."


Thursday, April 27, 2017

Green Matcha Tea & A Chat w/ Kurt Fulle on Saturday AM Live!

Click Here to Listen to Saturday AM Live!
I'd love to call it a conversation with Nikken's CEO Kurt Fulle, but it was more of a chat on a bus. Yet in that brief encounter, I gained a plethora of knowledge about the man who has been at the helm of our ship for the last several years. From what his leisure pleasures are to some of the business principles he uses to guide his daily decisions, I returned to my seat with a head full of insight that caused me to re-think so much of what I knew about this man.
I'd like to share this 'chat' with you and how I've implemented it into my introductions of Nikken to new Customers since our return home from the Team Kaizen Cancun experience. Understanding the heart behind the head of our captain provides valuable intel that I feel needs to be shared.
Vance's Tip of the Week
'Better to go one week without food than one day without green matcha tea.' - Chinese Proverb
Usually every week if not more often Mom shares with me a new nutritional tip that she's picked up from one of the many guru's that she follows. I really don't know how she processes all that intel, but she does and it's really sound advice. And in a world that continues to go the route of convenience with a complete lack of nutritional benefit, this kind of knowledge barely offsets the avalanche of quick fixes to our daily diet that don't seem to turn the tide of nutritional ignorance.

They all look so happy...I want some too!

 the Hallmark channel yesterday, Miss Universe Olivia Culpo shared the dangers of coffee consumption as far as it being a diuretic, not just for the body, but for the skin. Without missing a beat, she quickly offered an alternative by sharing the benefits of consuming matcha green. It literally hydrates the skin and provides the same alert benefits of coffee. And when I see how beautiful this women is, I'm thinking that she practices what she's preaching!
Is it any wonder why Nikken continues to discover ancient remedies like this and then improve upon them like they have with the Ten4? Sometimes we don't understand how great each and every one of our products are until they receive validation from a celebrity or expert in a particular field. This endorsement reminded me of the value we have in our solutions, not just in the price, but the 2nd to none quality and integrity. It really does make it fun to know that we can go head to head with any comparable product and be just a little bit better than some, and way better than others.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Greetings from Mexico & Team Kaizen member Nadine Staaf on Saturday AM Live!

Mexico was a LOT Warmer than this!
Click Here to Listen to Nadine and Vance giggle and laugh, having way more fun than grownups should be allowed to have.  Just Kidding. We should all have this much fun next year after OUR trip to Japan!

Vance emailed: "Nadine Staaf attended Humans Being More training five years prior to becoming a Consultant. Is it any wonder why she's part of Team Kaizen today? When she finally did join in 2012, she was a full-time college student, mother of a five year old boy, and on anti-depressants & other medications which the doctors told her she'd be on for life.

Her occupational background is filled with a variety of things like graphic design, barista, florist, bank teller, etc. Starting in Nikken brought many changes and Nadine will admit that she had some struggles in the beginning. However, today she's discovered a few things that she keeps as the focus everyday. These key things helped her earn a spot on Team Kaizen AND will get her on the plane to Japan in May of 2018."

Nadine Swimming in the Cenote 
You really want to read Vance's Tip of the Week this week!

"Postcard from Mexico

In the market adjacent to the Mayan temple known as Chichen Itza, I'm looking a postcard to send to you as an encouragement to come check out this place for yourself. Ever since I was a kid, Mom always encouraged me to send postcards to grandparents and a few others back home. The only problem with the recent Team Kaizen trip to the Fairmont Mayakoba in Cancun is that there simply isn't a postcard to send to you that captures this fact:

The best experience during my 25 years as a Nikken Consultant!

Herb Rapp, three time Team Kaizen member, described this as 'the closest thing to heaven on earth'. I completely agree. The all-inclusive resort was beyond amazing and yet it was the people that Stacey and I connected with who are still on the forefront of our minds.

Stacy and Nadine on Jungle Trip
During the next few weeks, my goal is to introduce you to some old and new friends who completely challenged us to live our lives as Humans Being More. People from several nations were represented and although we spoke different languages, the common thread that wove us together is our commitment to not just strive for a spirit of Kaizen, but to honestly seek ways to live it everyday. We don't have to ask the question, but it's always there... What can I do today to improve myself so I can be a better contribution to those around me?


Saturday, April 8, 2017

Everyday Organic Based Weight Management Program

Click Here to Listen to Physical Trainer David Jones and Char Rogers explain why we would want to share this program with others and why everyone needs what it includes.

We are going to love this!

Click Here to Order Yours Today
Click Here and Order Yours Now

Saturday, April 1, 2017

You too??? and Sneak Peak at April on Saturday AM Live!

Click Here to Listen to This weeks call. Vance emailed:

"Repetition is vital when it comes to learning anything new. On April 4th everything regarding Nikken's 'Everyday Organic-Based Weight Management program will be available on the website and the night before(Tuesday, April 4th), Jeff Isom will deliver the bullet points of this amazing addition to our product offering on the monthly kick-off call [Monday night]. That's 6:00pm PST 641-715-3570 code 444801#".  Click Here for Playback of of the Kickoff Call.

"But why wait??? Since I can't possibly absorb or retain all the good intel during the first download, I thought it'd be fun to provide a sneak peak from what I gleaned during our Team Kaizen call a few hours ago. While I can't divulge it all, I can at least wet your appetite(literally) of what's to come next week both in the new product AND in with the quarterly incentive/quarterly contest. There's lots of cash to be earned and I think can get you started on the race before the starting gun sounds."

Click Hear to Watch Launch Video
This Weeks Tip of the Week.

March 31, 2017

"You too???

CS Lewis talks about those points in our lives when we have an encounter with another person that is truly divine in so many ways. It's that moment when the hair on the back of our necks goes completely erect, the goose bumps stand at full attention, and the shivers race up and down our spine. Maybe not all together, but you get the point.

I had one of those 'Ah Ha' experiences yesterday when I thought about the fact of an 'Everyday Organic-Based Weight Management' program. What struck me like a lightning bolt between the eyes is the fact that I truly believe Nikken is the first company to address this issue AND actually deliver products that match the description. 

Click Here to Order Yours Today
What does this mean for our own results and that of our Customers? It's completely life changing. Our bodies are designed to function at their prime with real food. We have this already in several of our nutritional products and yet over the years because we are human, we collect certain toxins that latch on to us. Next week we're gonna have a 100% USDA certified organic solution for getting rid of those vermin we don't need or want.

What's this gonna do for the results with the rest of the components of our wellness solutions??? That was my ah ha or you too moment. It was at that point that I realized we have something that every person who cares about active wellness is gonna want AND wanna share with others. It's gonna be HUGE."


P.S.  This program is changing peoples lives.  Please click Comments below and let us know how it has benefited you!

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