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We cover a different topic every week. From prospecting to product training, registering Customers vs. Consultants, and of course, the power of live stories... we'll do our best to continue covering it all. Contact: Vance 503-348-0749

Contact the person that referred you to this site. If you weren't referred to this site contact Steve Crofoot at or visit

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Last Call of 2016 with Retailing Guru Tony Collins

Tony Collins
Click Here to Listen to Call

"Tony Collins has done a little bit of everything to pay the bills and put food on the table. From farming, construction, welding, and currently driving truck, he’s performed a variety of blue collar duties during his adult life. But he admits, building his Nikken Customer base with his heart is far more rewarding than building anything with his hands. It’s pretty much the norm for Tony to hit the 10,000 mark each month in personal volume. ‘Would you want me to share how I do this? I’ll be happy to!,’ was his comment to me."

Tony shared these links with Vance:

"Here are a couple videos I have watched in the past.

Gary Bolton

How to sell

God Hears God Listens God Speaks and God Delivers

Have a blessed day

Tony Collins"

Our Nikken Family Provides the Guidance
Vance's Tip of the Week

"December 31, 2016,

Happy New Year!

Since I didn't get a chance to drop my regular 'Vance's Tip' email [during the week before the call], I thought this version might be even better. Steve Crofoot is the master webmaster and provides these excellent posts on
My conversation with Tony Collins was a true highlight for me. His sincere humble approach of sharing Nikken with others is a style that I hope to emulate soon. By taking his advice and following his example, I'm confident that all of us can be among the elite top retailers just like him.
Nikken is about to unveil some incredible incentives for those of us like Tony who are willing to go the extra mile by sharing these amazing products and the fantastic business opportunity. Here's to a fantastic 2017 and beyond!

Happy New Year from
Nikken International

Join us for the 2017 Kickoff Call.
Learn about everything new for 2017!
Tuesday, January 3rd @ 6 PM PT/9 PM ET

Dial: 641-715-3570

Pin: 444801  

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Vance's Tip & 2017 Projections

Click Here to Listen to Call

Throughout this year, we have heard amazing stories of success in all 5 Pillars. Now it’s time to project your story as it will actually occur in 2017! Do you know what that story will be? Can you determine it with complete clarity? Absolutely!!!

Resolutionists set goals and then fall short within a few days due to the difficulty or because the goal is completely unattainable. Radicalists on the other hand know exactly the effort that is required and make small corrections to perfect desired results.

Here’s your assignment:

Pick any one of the 5 Pillars where you’re seeking improvement and share your story as it’s already come to pass. For example, ‘In the Healthy Mind pillar, I am reading one book a month and reciting positive affirmations at the beginning of every day.’

Vance’s Tip of the Week

"December 16th, 2016

‘Nikken is committed to providing the highest-quality products enabling people from all walks of life to achieve Active Wellness’.

‘Don’t focus on what you can’t do; focus instead on what you can do... And then do it!' -  Billy Graham

Michael DiMuccio shared this week that he has been literally bounding out of bed lately with a new sense of purpose and passion for Nikken. He stated that we all need to realize our divine sovereign purpose. The sooner we tap into that, the sooner we’ll be a success in life.

As the amount of Christmas gifts grows under our tree, the anticipation from Addi (our youngest) expands to the point of spontaneous combustion. ‘How many more sleeps till Christmas Eve?’

I feel this same way about the stories we’re creating and what we are about to experience with Nikken on January 1st. I know what my purpose is and through living life to its fullest potential every day, I get to tap into that. Yes, anticipation is brutal, but the more people I invite to see the gift of Nikken, the more I get to fulfill that divine sovereign purpose. Let’s live life on purpose by focusing on what we can do!


Saturday, December 10, 2016

Enabling People from All Walks of Life to Achieve Active Wellness

Ruth and Robert Loh
Click Here to Listen to Call with Ruth Loh

"Ruth Loh is the only person in Nikken’s history to win a Mercedes E20(sticker price $53,000). Back in 2001 there was a contest that Ruth completely blew away the competition. This last month she did it again by helping 5 people advance to Senior and earned the grand prize of $2500.

For Ruth though, there’s more at stake than simply the extra money earned. The real prize for her is the people whom she’s able to lead to a new income bracket. And ultimately it’s the people’s lives that are being impacted with these products."

Vance's Tip of the Week:

"December 9th, 2016

‘Nikken is committed to providing the highest-quality products enabling people from all walks of life to achieve Active Wellness’.

‘Don’t find fault, find remedy.’ - Henry Ford
Most of the Nikken Consultants and Customers definitely have found a way to find remedy in the solutions we have today. Whether it’s a complete Naturest sleep system to restore the bodies ability to heal at night or simply a pair of mSteps to alleviate sore feet, the Nikken products really do provide ways for people to achieve Active Welness.

As we approach the end of 2016, our family is just as grateful for our Nikken products as we are for this wonderful business. Knowing what lies ahead with a simplified compensation plan, I am literally chomping at the bit to get more business partners plugged into into this wealth creating machine. But we are not waiting! And we encourage you to do the same.

Contact Us Today

The fastest way that I know to really bring about change this time of year is to start implementing goals now. Don’t be a resolutionist waiting for January 1st only to break that commitment within a week. Wanna find remedy in each of the 5 Pillars? Tweak your daily routine now and you’ll be three weeks ahead of everyone else. You’ve made a choice to be part of Nikken for a reason, so why not really get the most out of it?"


P.S.  Notice the "New" Core Consultants Newsletter Tab just above Today's Post

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Terrific Testimony with the Touch

Larry Haffner
Click here to Listen to Call

"On April 1st, 2014, Larry wanted to have the ride of his life. What he hadn’t planned on that it nearly cost him his life! Both ankles broken and lower back from a para gliding accident. His chute opened and then collapsed from a down draft dropping him from 75 feet up onto the rocks below. $279,000 hospital bill and that doesn't include rehab therapy.

First time using the Kenko Touch
 this week he noticed a little improvement. The next morning after one session he's touching his toes with no discomfort for the first time since his accident. Not bad for a guys who is 74 years young and one who has had constant struggles during the last two and a half years."

Vance's Tip of the Week

Watch Video  Shop Now!
"December 2nd, 2016

‘Nikken is committed to providing the highest-quality products enabling people from all walks of life to achieve Active Wellness’. 

Kenko Touch

Appropriately Named

Affordably Priced

Affectionately Experienced

My back injury from a 75 foot waterfall plunge 25 years ago is all but gone now, but it flares up in colder weather and when I work too hard. I used the Touch a few times three weeks ago and I'm totally blown away by the residual results.

People with chronic issues that are 
Make a list. Check it twice.
See who is Hungry and Nice!
We will guide you!

sometimes life altering are getting some pretty amazing results. It's like the magnetics of a MRI machine, negative ions from a lightening bolt, and the FIR light waves from an infrared sauna all rolled into a handheld device.

I dare you to make a list of your friends with the biggest hurts or anyone that you’d like to have on your team. Now call them and set appointments. Watch what happens when they start playing with the Touch. We’ve never had a product that garners such immediate results like this one does."


Saturday, November 26, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving and Holiday Memories and Ideas

Posted around Christmas Eve 2010
Click Here to Listen to:
What's Your "Favorite Thanksgiving Memory?

Six years ago on this day we came home from Ethiopia with our youngest daughter. It was tough getting through dinner prayer yesterday due to overwhelming emotion, but it was the pure delight of daughters and yummy food that made the day complete. Sharing this with others and how our family benefits the most from our Nikken solutions is a great Thanksgiving weekend treat for me. I’ll have a few others on tap to share some of the ways they’re doing the same.

And someone needs to remind me about upcoming beach trips!

Vance's Tip of the Week

November 25th, 2016

‘Nikken is committed to providing the highest-quality products enabling people from all walks of life to achieve Active Wellness’.

‘I can live my life like miracles never happen, or I can live everyday like it’s a miracle.’ - Einstein

Black Friday means different things to different people. For some of us, it’s simply another down day to relax and hopefully rebound from the 4500 calories consumed in yesterday’s meal. And then for others, they’ve been running since last night attempting to save a few dollars on the latest items hoping to make their lives complete.

Yahoo! Eat It Up!
Life truly is a miracle and how we spend everyday is a reflection of this. What I appreciate about Nikken’s new product offerings and the free shipping deal is that we can give people the best solutions(at a fantastic price) to get them into living a miraculous life. We keep adding Customers who will be the first to tell you that their lives are more of a disaster.

Can I encourage you to take some time before months end to send an email, text or even pick up the phone to let your friends know about what Nikken has to offer. As the weather becomes a little more frightful, may I also suggest the new Ten4. I don’t think I quite consumed the usual amount that some would, but a plate and a half full of all those delicious carbs was still no match for organic green matcha tea taken a few hours prior to our Thanksgiving celebration. Smooth miraculous energy that lasted the entire evening. Combine this with the Kenko Touch... Now my life is a miracle!

Special thanks to Alan & Kathy in Hawaii for sharing this document with us. It does a fantastic job of displaying what Nikken has to offer for this next week and beyond:


Saturday, November 19, 2016

Stacking, Building, Sowing, and Reaping

Click Here to Listen to This Weeks Call with Vance and Friends.

"Nikken's VP of Sales & Training Jeff Isom said it this way on the November 1st Kick-Off call, ‘Kids! Stack the incentives!!!’ Then field leaders like Rachel Dayton & Rosalyn Holgado actually put these words into action by developing Seniors and winning tons of cash. Could you use an extra $2500 for Christmas presents this year? Who would benefit from this?

What happens in 2017 is hugely dependent on what we put into action now. Take a break for the holidays and your business will take a dive in 2017. Instead, why don’t we put a few simple practices into action now so 2017 will literally explode with opportunities. I’m 100% in, are you?"

Vance's Weekly Tip

"November 18th, 2016

‘Nikken is committed to providing the highest-quality products enabling people from all walks of life to achieve Active Wellness’. 

‘Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.’ - Robert F. Kennedy

In the midst of great struggles, we can emerge as champions when we remember that someone has already endured way worse and has lived to tell their story. If we’re not living up to the goals we have for ourselves in the 5 Pillars, what are we willing to do or able to endure so that change happens?
In the last seven days, I’ve found myself tying a make-shift bandage to cover a hole in my leg left by a cable rigging hook that harpooned me, counseling daughters through an extreme tragedy at school, meeting with attorney’s to gain clarity through a lawsuit, and the list goes on. What I keep learning through weeks like this is that the tougher the issue, the stronger I can become when I go back to ponder what I’ve learned from previous life-altering experiences.

Make the Holidays Bright with Nikken
We’re not always going to win every contest, every battle, or every challenge set before us. But when we keep pursuing active wellness in all 5 Pillars, I know from personal experience we will win in the end. And the coolest thing is that we get to share these winning moments with others so they can live better lives too!"


Saturday, November 12, 2016

Serendipitous Sleep System, KenkoTouch and Hair Care Stories

Join Us - We're Jumping for Joy!
Click Here to Listen to This Weeks Call.

Every time Nikken introduces new products, our customers are blessed with serendipitous results, many that border on miraculous. The KenkoTouch™, True Elements® TriPhase Shampoo and True Elements® TriPhase Conditioner are no exception. This week several took advantage of an "Open Mic Saturday" and shared how they liked/used our new Wellness Solutions.

Additionally per Vance's request, "Even though this [message] isn't about the KenkoTouch, I thought you'd want to post this next to the link for today's call."

"Gracie's 1st Night Miracle

Good Morning Vance,

I feel so blessed to have you and Stacey as friends. I will be sending you a daily log with my reports on how this Nikken sleep [system] product is helping Gracie overcome her autistic challenges. But before I leave for work this morning I just had to tell you Thank You. Gracie slept all night long. Deep sleep all night with out waking up for the first time in 19 years AND without using any sleep aid. She has been on several in the past 19 years with no results. This sleep pad worked!

Thank you have an amazing day today. I know I will. I feel great after a full nights rest.

Thank you


[Received] 3 days later:

"I will send you my log tomorrow but I want to share with you that Gracie after two days of sleeping on the mattress asked me if she can keep it. She said it makes her feel better. Thank you so much Vance! You and your family have been such a blessing to me and my Girls."

Isn't this what we live for. These solutions change lives.

Discover It! Live It! Share It!


Saturday, November 5, 2016

Vance's Tip & Janice Miller on Saturday AM Live!

Click Here to Listen to Call. Vance writes: Janice Miller is one of those individuals that thought retirement meant refirement. She became a teacher a quarter century later than most (at 52) because she wanted to help others. When Nikken came along, it wasn’t a question of sharing with others after her own profound experience. Having met ‘Mr Arthur’ at 40 she was restricted from dancing the way she wanted to. Today in her 70’s she’s proud to say that she can cut a rug like people half her age.

Vance's Tip of the Week:

"November 4th, 2016

‘Nikken is committed to providing the highest-quality products enabling people from all walks of life to achieve Active Wellness’.

When I see people 10 and 20 years younger than I am moving around as if they’ve just celebrated their 115th birthday or gone under the knife for a major surgery, I feel absolutely compelled to talk about active wellness. Just last night a friend in his 30’s reacted in shock when I shared with him how much I’ve been climbing ladders lately helping my brother with his rental houses. ‘How on earth are you able to do that and why?’, he stated. Two weeks ago he had emergency back surgery to relieve pressure so he could at least move around.

Get Yours Now

As we chatted about different things, his countenance changed when I started talking about the new KenkoTouch. I explained that Nikken just introduced this electronic toy that takes all three of the elements of his KenkoFlex and literally throws it into the body. I went on to describe the feeling I get after letting it run on my lower back for a full ten minutes. ‘Vance, I’d pay a whole lot more than $250 bucks to experience what you’re talking about! Let’s get together soon!’
Active Wellness means different things to different people. For my friend Jeff, his life radically changed after being injured as a fire fighter. Having to give up the career he loved was just as emotionally life-altering as it was physically and financially. Will Nikken fix everything? I’ve never looked at what we have as a ‘fix’, but a set of tools with which to start repairing hope. After all, if we can get people going in the right direction, then at least it’s a start. And I know that once they’re started, things usually continue to unfold into a form of wellness that they might have forgotten."

Monday, October 31, 2016

Simplified, Energized Chaos

Order Yours Here
Click Here to Listen to the Call. Click Here to Listen to the Question and Answer Session.  Vance wrote in his weekly email: Mom used these three words to express her experience in San Antonio last week. Now that I’ve had the opportunity to use the KenkoTouch and really study the financial impact of our improved compensation plan, I can’t wait to hear more of the stories. I wanna first cover the basics of how truly simple this plan will be in putting 25%, 35%, or 45% rebates into the pockets of everyone who joins Nikken.

Vance's Tip Of The Week

October 28th, 2016

The KenkoTouch™ - My First 12 Hours.
I’m thoroughly convinced now that even an excited story shared within seconds of an experience cannot replace ones own personal experience. Here is what I can remember from 9 to 9 on that first day.
In the amount of time that it takes to back out of my parents carport, I literally said out loud, ‘WOW!’ and caught myself grinning in the rear view mirror. I had dropped the unit behind my back and pointed it upward. In those few seconds, the massaging effect of magnetic, FIR, and negative ion technologies did the very thing that my back needed.
The five hour drive the night before and repeated episodes of what I call ‘bleacher butt/back’ had taken it’s toll on my injury from 24 years ago. While I don’t suggest jumping 75 feet off a water fall to create a testimony for the KenkoTouch™, I’m thoroughly loving life right now.

As one of our customers took my order at our regular Wednesday morning Nikken breakfast spot, she asked what was in the black box to which I pulled it out and asked where she was hurting the worst. In less than five seconds she said that she could feel tingling throughout her entire elbow. Her co-worker looked at me and asked if he could be next.

When the captain of our girls varsity volleyball team got home from school her younger sister insisted that she check out the cool device from Nikken. ‘You gotta use it Kenna! It feels really cool.’ Kenna went to work on her most pronounced bumps and bruises from the recent play-off game and it wasn’t even ten seconds that this goofy grin appeared on her face. ‘Dadda, how much does this thing cost? Whatever the amount is, it’s TOTALLY worth it!’

‘Nikken is committed to providing the highest-quality products enabling people from all walks of life to achieve Active Wellness’. I read this from the back page of the instruction brochure included with the KenkoTouch™. This and a personal experience is pretty much all the presentation we need! And yes, I’m enjoying the amazing massage from it on my lower back as I type this. I’m now a master, wedging it between couch cushions. The feeling at the very end of the ten minute session is really something that words cannot describe.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Live from San Antonio!!!

Click Here to Listen to intel Live from San Antonio. "I’ve asked some of our best to give you their feelings of excitement in five minutes or less. From the new KenkoTouch™ to the ultimate fast track to Silver plan taking effect November [January] 1st, we’ve got a lot to cover in a very short amount of time. You’ll wanna have pen and paper handy to jot some notes cause this is gonna be a power-packed call."

Nikken just introduced these revolutionary solution!

Click Here to Watch a video:

Shop Now!

Massage is a proven, effective treatment for muscle aches and inflammation. A deep-tissue massage can loosen tight muscles, ease discomfort, stimulate circulation and relieve stress. A good massage can produce positive results even for those who enjoy excellent health. KenkoTouch™ is a unique, advanced system that gives you a heightened magnetic massage experience.
And this is from a friend,

This KenkoTouch™ is wonderful!! It thumps you at different speeds you control- so as you put it at certain points of stress, it pulses in thumps, and that's good... But then after it was removed, I felt a wave of shivery cool from toes move up my body! Wow!! (Dr. Mary Bowser)

Shop Now!

There is no other shampoo or conditioner in the marketplace with Nikken TriPhase Technology. What are you waiting for?
Vance's Tip of the Week

October 21st, 2016
Expecting Nothing But The Best!

Dave Johnson captured it nicely: Only months before I saw Nikken over 26 years ago, I came across a book, All You Can Do… by Art Williams. This wonderful book prepared my mind and heart to seize the moment when Nikken presented itself. In my gut, I just knew this was going to be big. I knew that my life was about to change! I have that feeling again! 

A year ago we were introduced to a complete overhaul in our pricing structure. In a few days we will see a compensation plan that is the first of it’s kind in the industry. In a way, it’s as if the method we get paid will be more reflective of our amazing prices. What this really means is that we will see a surge of people advancing to Silver and beyond like never before.
Oh, and did I forget to mention that we’ve got new products that have been much anticipated? The newest in the magnetic line is going to take the concept of energy tests to a whole new level. I literally can’t wait to get my hands on this one!

There’s no question in my mind why Dave refers to that same feeling he had 26 years ago. I have it too. I’ve raised my expectation level and I encourage you to do the same. When your Customers see that your anticipating great things, I’m fairly certain they’ll inquire why.

Get the Edge at the Nikken Summit 2017  In Salt Lake City, Utah January 26 to 28, 2017.

Nikken is rolling out the BEST compensation plan in network marketing because it is based on retail sales. Learn how to make the most out of this change…


Saturday, October 15, 2016

Not a Medical Claim

Not a Medical Claim
Click Here to Listen to this weeks call.  Click Here To download Ted's Story. Twice now in Ted's life the referee's threw a yellow flag of caution when cancer appeared in the physical pillar. I've attached his version of this journey, but if you want to hear it in his own words, join Ted as he will share with us how Nikken changed the outcome in round two without under going the best that western medicine had to offer.

We don't make medical claims! Ted's results may be common when we change the environment in our lives, but please understand that not everyone who follows a regimen like this will be able to kick cancer.

This being said, check out what some scientists in Korea are doing with our technologies. Ted didn't need a science lab to create results like this, he simply needed a wellness home and some strict guidelines to increase the healthy cells so they could conquer the bad.

Vance's Tip of the week:

"October 14th, 2016

Chain Gang

Last night as I'm standing on the sidelines at my nephews last home football game during his high school career, I'm reminded of the purpose of a 'chain gang'. This 10 yard tool of metal links connects two poles as a measuring device in order for the players, referees, coaches and fans to know the exact distance the ball needs to move in order to get the next first down. One of our middle daughters friends Jordan has one pole, I have the other, and my brother Spence has the down marker.

Life is a lot like the three guys who move those two poles and the down marker during a football game. Without them, there is no measurement in which to know where the ball was during the previous play and where it needs to cross in order to obtain another FIRST DOWN as my friend Joe Fahlman mutters into the microphone.

We have a chain gang in each of our lives called balance. When it's out of whack in any of the five areas then something or several things will probably go south. And one area out of balance can create a domino effect to the others.

Fortunately for us, we can recognize any violation of our journey to true balance by listening to the markers we have in place. Around 90% of us joined Nikken because we had a physical violation. Our culture today reports that 70% are open to improving the financial pillar in their lives with an additional source of income. Each of the other pillars follow with similar results.

Nikken is the only company that recognizes all 5 Pillars and provides solutions to repair and improve each one. Usually it starts with a product experience and then the doors to the others are opened. Or as my dear friend Vera taught me, 'when the body is in balance the mind will follow'. This is true of the others as well.

We owe it to people who don't know about Nikken to introduce them. We may be their only source of connection to the improvement like the one we've experienced. We could be part of the chain gang for many people that cross our path."

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Unlocking the Secrets

Vance tells this story, "If you care about the life of your unborn son, you need to make some radical changes to your diet and drop this extra 50 pounds that you’ve been carrying the last few years’. Fifty years ago these were the exact words spoken to Char Rogers while pregnant with my older brother. These words not only changed her life, they sent her on a quest that has continued since then.

Mom will share a few minutes on each of the three products mentioned above and then open the lines for Q &A. We may not be able to absorb 50 years of nutrition in one conversation, but I can guarantee you that you’ll learn more in a few minutes than you can possibly imagine. And the really cool part is that this little bit of education combined with a story, whether your experience or from another, can gain you a multitude of Customers in the next few weeks!"

Weekly tip from Vance,

"October 6th, 2016

Imagine unlocking the secrets that other cultures have considered common sense in just a few days when we start utilizing three newly enhanced products from Nikken.  Here’s a quick overview:
Kenzen Clarity...
What if there were one natural treatment that could restore brain function, regrow damaged nerves and reverse the progression of multiple sclerosis? There may be! Lion’s mane mushroom has been used medicinally in Asia for centuries, but for some reason it’s one of the best-kept secrets in the West….Buddhist monks have consumed Lion’s mane tea for centuries before meditation in order to enhance their powers of concentration.
Kenzen Vital Balance...
By adding just a touch of Moringa, each serving of our improved KVB could have as much as:
7 times the Vitamin C of Oranges
4 times the Vitamin A of Carrots
4 times the Calcium of Milk
3 times the Potassium of Bananas
2 times the Protein of Yogurt
My friend Joan has been drinking her own brewed ice tea using Moringa leaves for a few months.  She attributes the softening of her skin to this amazing leaf as she can’t recall changing anything else in her routine.
Kenzen Ten4
No more added SUGAR!
USDA Certified Organic teas
30 servings in each box
Price reduction!($1.22 for Customers via Autoship
The list of benefits from Asian cultures of consuming Green Matcha Tea dates back nearly a thousand years.  Stomach digestion, prostrate improvement, brain function, physical energy, and a slew of other great results are attributed to this one leaf.  And the really cool part is that this is just one of the four teas in this fantastic product.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

'Small Corrections' is the Topic of the Day - Pat Kelly's Amazing Story

Click Here to Listen this Weeks Call!  'I can’t believe the results I’m getting as a result of the iCan Attitude lessons.’ Pat Kelly was a nurse for nine years and has spent the last 40 as an occupational therapist. Each day she works with folks who have just about given up or their family has given up on them. The usual response for a person in this industry is to get weighed down with the strain & stress of the patients. However, the results she’s seeing with our products is pulling her clients out of the prison of pain or the dredges of despair.

It’s becoming the norm for Pat to text me with several stories at a time so I thought everyone would love to hear what she’s been doing. Her zeal and passion has taken a sharp increase in the last few weeks and I couldn’t be happier. Not just for her clients, but for the young gal that I get to work with every week.

Vance's Tip of the Week:

"September 30th, 2016

Small Corrections
I know what you’re gonna say, a six year old just shouldn’t be driving!  While I agree, Addi is always begging me to steer the truck when we drive from the barn to the house.  As she’s doing her best to keep us on the driveway, I find myself repeating the same three words over and over again.  Small corrections Kiddo.
These words are not just for driving, but apply to everything in life.  This week I happen to catch the interview by Ben Woodward with Fabrizio Poli.  Here’s a guy who has mastered the art of small corrections to become very successful in several areas of life.  If you missed it, check this out:
I literally spent most of that afternoon sending emails and texts to people who I felt would benefit from hearing what could be gained in their life from hearing Fabrizio’s story.  As a pilot, he saw first-hand the occupational hazards of not being grounded with the magnetic field of the earth. And then his motivational aspects really blew me away.
What small corrections can you make?  Now is the time to start tweaking!  Don’t wait around like so many others until the end of December.  Get up early!  Eat less junk!  Read & memorize positive & encouraging texts!  Share a smile with more people every day!  Apply a few small corrections like these to your routine and watch what happens."


From Ben and Dave's Core Consultant Newsletter


Greetings... How to Overcome Discouragement

Henry Ford told his engineers to create a V8 engine from a single one-piece casting.   They said this was absolutely impossible.  Ford told them:  “If you think that you can do something or think that you can’t you’re probably right.  Now go make one!” …and they did!

A member of my team recently expressed her discouragement to me at the pace of her business development and her perceived under-achievement. How grateful I am that we had the chance to speak. As we ended our call together I thought of how common it is for each of us to get discouraged at some point along the way. To that end, I would like to share with you three key words or phrases that can help each of us combat discouragement (and importantly – teach others how to do the same!).

The first key word is perspectiveWe need to see discouragement for what it really is. Don’t blow it out of proportion. And try not to worry about the things that may never happen. As Mark Twain said, “I’m an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.”

The second key word is people involvement.  Hang around positive people!  We don’t have to go through discouragement alone—nor should we even try. There are others who can help, who want to help. By the same token, there are others whom we can help. I have often found that if I allow my own thoughts of fear, discouragement and worry to fester alone – they can create a very different reality. How grateful I am for good people in my life that help me to see things clearly when emotions get in the way.

Third, get back to basics. I have often found that in moments of great difficulty or challenge the worry and discouragement I feel can make everything seem so complicated and complex. Often, the solutions lie in getting back to basics. This is the beauty of the Core Consultant message. It is always centered on the basics. Remember – speak to at least one new person every day, show the plan at least twice a week and fill your heart and mind with enriching things on a daily basis – if only for a few minutes. It is amazing how much good can come from the little things oft repeated.

In a blog post Martin Seligman identifies three elements common in pessimistic attitudes:  Personalization, permanence and pervasiveness.                  

Dave and I wish to encourage all of you on journey with Nikken. Will you get discouraged from time to time? Absolutely! And that’s okay. This is all part of our growth plan into becoming more. We know you can do it and we have every confidence in your success.

Dave and Ben
Make some noise!!
Mike DiMuccio is celebrating his 19th year as a Royal Diamond! We asked Mike some very candid questions about his amazing Nikken journey. You can read his responses here
 How do you prefer to contact?
And Now for the Rest of the News:
Just a little over two weeks left to book your room and flight to San Antonio, Tx.! Space is filling up fast and you don't want to be left out. This years Nikken International Field Convention is going to be truly revolutionary. 
Nikken Incentives are smokin'!
You could win $500 - $1000 cash bonus from Nikken! Nikken has introduced their Local Product Launch promotion! Nikken's September Step Up incentive was too hot to put down! Learn more by clicking here.

Save the date: January 26-28, 2017Eagle Wellness Expo is now the Nikken Summit! Next year's Nikken Summit will be held in gorgeous Salt Lake City, Utah. This is going to be more of an educational, interactive, networking event so stayed tuned for more details.

So just how many Ten4 packets do you ingest in a day? Survey says:

None = 18.9%
1-2 = 62.3%
3-5 = 0%
Why, what have you heard? = 18.9% (don't worry we will never tell)