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We cover a different topic every week. From prospecting to product training, registering Customers vs. Consultants, and of course, the power of live stories... we'll do our best to continue covering it all. Contact: Vance 503-348-0749

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Saturday, December 29, 2018

Decisive Decisions that Determine Destiny

Click Here to Listen to this weeks call with Herb Rapp.

Herb Rapp is one of the many Wellness Consultants I know who has figured out how to live a life that others only dream of. In his 70’s, he is still living life with the passion of a teenager. He’s also the only member of Team Kaizen who has been part of this elite group since its inception. Herb has logged in a quarter century of not only sharing Nikken’s 5 Pillars of Health, but living it to it’s fullest. He probably has a few tips worth sharing?
If I don’t get the opportunity to say it to you directly, my prayer is that you will truly find the way to enjoy life to it’s fullest in 2019 and beyond.

Read Vance's Tip of the Week.

December 28, 2018

Resolutionist vs Radical

It’s that time of year again when most of the seven billion people on the planet pick one or two things that they’re going to do differently in the new year. While this is a fantastic way to make decisions, it’s a very poor way to manage ones life. Why? Because most of us lack the determination to stick it out.

The number one resolution amongst Americans is to lose weight or any of the things associated with taking better care with the physical body. The Apostle Paul challenged one of his young mentees to ‘get his mind ready for action’ and my friend/coach Marty Jeffery teaches ‘we cannot think ourselves into right actions, but we must act ourselves into right thinking.’ In the ‘doing’ of anything is when change occurs.

This week I had a friend tell me that I looked great. Before I could even say thank you, he immediately asked what I was doing, but before I could even respond he answered his own question by saying, ‘Oh I know. It’s the 5 Pillars isn’t it?’ We both enjoyed a laugh.

This week the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention released the latest study on weight. America is struggling with an obesity epidemic, and this report concludes that the population is only
getting heavier. Men have added eight pounds and women seven in the last 15 years to the average weight per person. We must be getting taller right? NOT! We’re just getting more foolish in our excuses and our justifications.

While everything isn’t just about weight, it’s a really good indication of all the other areas that seem to hinder us from experiencing complete victory in the 5 Pillars of Health. Being radical means that we simply have to make decisions that things will be different and then figure out a way to bring about change. It’s acting on a decisive decision that will bring change, not making a resolution and then breaking it within a few days with a quick justification of ‘Well, there’s always next year!’. I’ll share more about this next time with what I call wisdom from Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, 5 Pillars style."

Vance Rogers

Saturday, December 22, 2018

The Gift and Q&A with Dr Stan Bogusz on Saturday AM Live!

Dr. Stanley Bogusz
Click Here to Listen to this weeks call.

It’s Q&A time with the doctor! Dr. Stan Bogusz has spent decades studying, treating, and offering the gift of ‘foot wellness’ to people as a Podiatrist. When he discovered Nikken for himself, it didn’t take him anytime at all to realize that he just had to share this gift with others. The difference between Nikken and other modalities out there is the fact that he is completely selfless in sharing it. Dr. Stan has agreed to pass on some of his experiences of ‘gift giving’ by answering questions that we have encountered recently or way in the past. Please have some questions ready as he has a vast amount of answers prepared for us.

Read Vance's Tip of the Week

December 21, 2018

" 'The Gift'

In a few days, children around the world will be looking forward to Christmas morning with anticipation that is rarely matched on any other day. It’s the thought that Santa, parents, or anyone for that matter, has prepared something that will bring hours, days, and months of pure glee. While most of the time it is a gift or gifts they’ve asked for, more often than not, the gift that brings the greatest delight is one that they hadn’t really considered.

Over the years, I’ve always looked at Nikken as a gift. My mom rejected the gift six months before our family was introduced by Dennis Williams by telling her friend, ‘If there was anything to this, surely I would have heard about it from any one of the health sources that I glean information from’. Who really knows how different things would be had she received it at that time in her life?

One of the guru’s in my life who has repeatedly given me the gift of wisdom in the arena of nutrition and weight management called me yesterday. Roger Drummer has spent decades researching and studying this topic because he himself rejected the wisdom that, as he describes, is right in front of our faces but we choose to ignore it because it seems too simple.

Do we look at Nikken as a gift? I have to challenge myself to continually think about this question because when I consider the impact that this company has made on our family, I’m often brought to tears. I almost rejected it and I cannot even fathom what life would be like without it. For the last quarter century, we have enjoyed living a life that others only dream of. And I’m not talking about just the one pillar of healthy finances. It’s more about having something being part of our daily lives that we can freely give to others when the timing is right for them.

As we wrap up the final days of this year and open a new chapter of our lives, consider the words that Dennis Williams taught me years ago when inviting people to take a look… ‘We’re offering people a gift, not begging a favor’ ".


Saturday, December 15, 2018

Continuing Education and Dennis Williams on Saturday AM Live!

Dennis Williams
Click Here to Listen to This Weeks Call with Dennis Williams! You will want to share it!

"Dennis & Ruth Williams started their Nikken journey this month, back in 1991. The entire Rogers family is eternally grateful that they choose to commence sharing these amazing products AND the business opportunity during the busiest time of the year when most folks typically put everything off till ‘after the 1st of the year’. There’s a lesson in that by itself, but as Dennis and I have been chatting lately, I keep hearing the same thing…. Let’s finish 2018 strong because who knows, maybe we’ll change someone’s life with Nikken."

Read Vance's Tip of the Week.

December 12, 2018

"Continuing Education

Everyone knows that if you wanna get good at something and then stay one step ahead of the others, we must continue to grow. I saw a post the other day from this crazy 20 year-old who declared that she’s exactly half-way through her undergraduate studies. Kenna has worked really hard, but it didn’t start at university, but way back in Elementary school when she kept seeing opportunities to do a little bit more. In Everything!
I see this same spirit welling up in Nikken Consultants around the globe. We’ve been impacted by these products and the company philosophy so we keep wanting to share a little more in order to change lives.

Click Here to Watch Fabrizio Poli Interview
I want to pass on two resources that might make it easier that I’ve been sharing lately. One is from a few years ago and then the other is less than 24 hours old. Both focus on Grounding or Earthing and both are a wonderful way to connect folks with this great company.

Fabrizio Poli was a commercial pilot who lived at 30,000 feet or higher. In this interview he shares some starling health consequences that may result from being a frequent flyer. He has turned a life long passion for flying into not only being an avid pilot, he is a businessman who brokers airplanes internationally. Now Fabrizio has become a published author, public speaker and an ardent health advocate. The aspect of not being grounded doesn’t just impact those who are in the air, but everyone of us who don’t have direct contact with the earth and it’s organic properties to fuel our bodies.

Brody Off and Running
Brody Craney gave us a college level lecture in less than 15 minutes and then moderated some very unique testimonies. The recording can be accessed from any phone (no wi-fi or internet required). I was mesmerized by his simple explanation of this topic and within minutes started texting people who had already told me that they would not be able to get on the call live.

Call: 605-475-4992

Use Code 721323#

Choose Recording number 20#

May you continue to grow as our family has with life-changing lessons like these!"


Saturday, December 8, 2018

Power of Partnership and Mary Bowser/Gwen Carter on Saturday AM Live!

Mary, Barb and Gwen
Click Here to Listen to Mary Bowser and Gwen Carter this weeks on Saturday AM Live!

The Batman & Robin dynamic duo of Nikken award would have to be bestowed on my two friends Mary Bowser and Gwen Carter. These two ladies come from totally different backgrounds and yet compliment each other in amazing ways. When it comes to the power of a partner, Mary & Gwen bring a unique sense of teamwork to sharing Nikken. And what I feel completely embodies the Humans Being More spirit, neither profits from the other because they are only connected to Nikken sideways (crossline).

Read Vance's Tip of the Week

"December 6, 2018

Power of Partnership

Third party credibility cannot be overstated. More often than not, when we see a movie, eat at a restaurant, purchase an item, or even make decisions for life, it’s because we were influenced by someone or something. In Nikken we stress the importance of a 3-way call and yet in the last decade this has taken on a new form because of the Internet. Almost daily I’m introduced to something that usually takes me back to YouTube.

In the past few weeks we have heard more about the subject of grounding than any other technology that Nikken has introduced since I’ve been with the company(26 years). The stories are all over the page and yet a seven minute video is really what opened my eyes to the validity of it.

Now truth be told, I’ve heard about grounding or earthing for years, but I really had no interest in it because it was out of my focus of Nikken. After all, why should I get excited about something that I’ll have to send folks elsewhere to get it. I grow weary of telling people about Costco, IKEA, etc. when those companies won’t compensate me for it. Now don’t get me wrong, I pay it forward all the time because it’s the right thing to do, but Nikken is a business that has continually rewarded our family in too many ways.

Back to grounding! Another great partner is the book that has been flying off the shelf at Amazon or any other source. ‘Earthing: The most important health discovery ever!’ Rather than wait till the KenkoGround arrives, we have several people who are placing orders for customers based on loaning this book to them for a few days. Imagine that! Using a book to get customers to buy the product for themselves.

And coming full circle back to the power of partnership. Whatever we do to leverage something or someone else to validate Nikken’s products will be a huge boost for us. After all, there is no such thing to a Lone Ranger in anything. Every great person throughout history has always had a partner or something they’ve leveraged for their success. I just spoke with a customer from years ago that I’d lost contact with. When asked if he’d watch a seven minute video, he responded with, ‘Absolutely! That could be just the thing for my friend.’


Saturday, December 1, 2018

Cold Weather Blues & Professor Paul Gabias on Saturday AM Live!

Professor Paul Gabias
Click Here to Listen to this weeks call with Associate Professor Paul Gavias.

"Paul Gabias may be an associate professor of phycology at British Columbia University, but to me he’s simply another beautiful example of a human being more. His energy and zest for life is contagious and I am absolutely thrilled when I get to converse with him on any subject. Here’s a link to read more:

Read Vance's Tip of the Week.

"November 30, 2018

Waking up being thankful during Thanksgiving weekend is what you’re supposed to do, but on Sunday all I wanted to do was crawl into the wood stove so I could get warm followed by step outside in the 40 mph cold wind to chill my burning body. Yep, whatever Emmy had on Thanksgiving Day was now deeply embedded into me. And what’s nuts is she’s the non-affectionate daughter so it’s not like I even touched her.

While people like Roger Drummer, Dave Balzer, Steven B Stevens, Dennis Bryant & others don’t have the letters of MD after their names, I have a collection of remedies that they’ve passed onto me that not only make sense, BUT THEY WORK!

While we could write pages containing all the Nikken methods for getting the most out of these amazing products, the biggest key is to use the common sense solution method. Getting the proper sleep ON the Naturest(not in a chair), drinking half our body weight in ounces of PiMag water daily, using the nutritionals for maintenance, and then of course... all the daytime energy products.

But when you feel like crud, sound like a frog, lose your appetite, have a head full of some scientific experiment and you hurt all over, it’s time to bring out the big guns!

Pouring a Lactoferrin under my tongue followed by 1/2 teaspoon of Jades every four to six hours may seem extreme, but I know it works. The four men I mentioned above modeled this type of behavior and so for me it’s now just common sense. And the results? Within 48 hours I was a completely transformed person!"


Saturday, November 24, 2018

Gratefulness and Kenko Ground News on Saturday AM Live!

Suzanne, Gary and Auntie Ann
Click Here to Listen to this Weeks Call about the KenkoGround.
"For Suzanne and Ann, the subject of grounding is not necessarily a topic of their expertise, but when you have a gathering of people who get to touch, use, and enjoy the benefits of the Kenko Ground, then they just might have something worthwhile to share. The stories are varied and all over the page, but it’s the spirit behind what these three experienced that all of us can benefit from."

Read Vance's Tip of the Week!

November 23, 2018

"So Incredibly Grateful

I had just taken my first bite of Thanksgiving breakfast when my pager buzzed indicating that we had an emergency. Over the years when people discover that I’m a volunteer firefighter, they usually ask if we have shifts. My response of yes, it’s a shift of 365, 24/7, usually renders a response of amazement.

That’s the thing about living a life of gratefulness. We don’t get the opportunity of taking a shift. God continues to ask us to live a life of thankfulness as we look forward to the next best opportunity. These next steps or duties may not appear to be fun or something a child would get excited about, but to the person who’s constantly looking for opportunities to serve, it’s simply the right thing to do.

The Humans Being More spirit is what compels people to share Nikken. Sure, there’s always a reward in the end, but I truly believe it’s because of a grateful spirit that we continue sharing these products and this company with others. We’re grateful of what we’ve experienced and we know that the results are something worth passing on.

It’s probably just a coincidence that on turkey day, our patient’s last name was Turkington, but the words of the grandma as we exited her home were exactly what we as Nikkenites hear every time another person encounters this gift of wellness…. Thank You."


Saturday, November 17, 2018

MSI's and Dr Heather Loucks (Q&A) on Saturday AM Live!

Click Here to Listen to This Weeks Call with Dr. Heather Loucks.

"Dr. Heather Loucks is a master guru at numerous things and when she was a guest a few weeks ago, I could sense that there were several questions that I failed to ask of her. As a Naturopathic Physician, what would she suggest for certain issues? What’s her favorite go to product of introduction? How does she feel about the new Kenko Ground? There are lots that I can think of, but rather than me ask the questions, this will be an open line format for everyone to go for it."

Read Vance's Tip of the Week

November 16, 2018


I first heard the term Multiple Sources of Income from my mentor, ‘voice of God’ friend, and business partner Steven B Stevens. He would introduce people to the business side of Nikken by sharing that this industry allows us to invest into people and then in turn, they can become another source of residual income for us in the future. I told a friend yesterday that my parents have become millionaires several times over during their quarter century with Nikken because of this concept.

Today, there are even more ways to earn with Nikken, and just like any investment strategy, it takes concentrated effort, timing, and follow up. Of course there are several others steps that I’m sure business guru’s will tell us, but those who seem to be successful in Nikken continue doing these same things over and over and over again. Introduce people to Nikken, let them make a decision what program(Customer or Consultant) will best suite their needs, and then continue to support them. Two percentages that I share regularly are what I call the 91/71 principle. Nikken discovered that 91% of people simply want these amazing products, but statistics prove that 71% of Americans are always looking for a way to generate extra income.
When asked, Dennis Williams will continually say that freedom is his favorite Nikken product. The freedom to live a life that few do because they yield control to someone else. Yielding control of their bodies to doctors who continually guess at a treatment. Yielding their minds to whatever happens to come on the radio or screen. Yielding their families to any distractions or drama. Yielding their finances to more month than money. And yielding the society around them to others who may not share the same values.

Nancy Clyde taught me a new phrase to describe one of the potential MSI’s that we have with Nikken. When sharing her elevator speech, she tells her product experience and then always finishes with this little teaser: ‘And if you’re open to a business opportunity, we get money in the bank every Friday’.

Think about the MSI’s that you have in your life with Nikken. Are we tapping into them? While we don’t look at people as dollar signs, we have to look at them as an opportunity to expand wellness.

And just for humor sake, I shared one of our MSI’s with three of my fellow firefighters the other evening at a dinner. I was shocked that they’d never seen it and even more shocked as they continued to view it over and over again. I almost had to tell them to stop because it was getting embarrassing and I honestly thought they were going to wet themselves. This Wednesday was the four year anniversary of when I slipped on the ice and as of last week, my little mishap has generated over $12,000 for our family. Not really Nikken related, but I was wearing my mStrides and they definitely provided the agility to keep me from getting injured. And if I can earn money from people laughing at an 11 second investment of my time, I’m all for it!

And more popular with the music crowd "


Saturday, November 10, 2018

It's Coming! and Snapshots from San Antonio on Saturday AM Live!

Click Here to Listen to this Weeks Call

"Snapshots from San Antonio or Tips from Toronto is one way to describe literally a dozen or more conversations I’ve had with people over the last few weeks who attended one of these two events. Three weeks ago we heard from an all-star group of ladies about the Humans Being More experience up north, now we get to hear about the Mission that took place in the Lone Star State.

Read Vance's Tip of the Week.

November 9, 2018

Can you just feel it?

In a few weeks the annual Rogers tradition will commence. They arrive in the mail, get torn open, read and looked over, and then either taped to the fridge or placed in the Christmas card box. During the 23 years of this procedure, there is still one card that is at the top of my list as my all-time favorite. A little girl, dressed in winter clothes complete with knitted hat, scarf, and gloves graces the outside of the card. She’s clutching a gift-wrapped box with the most anticipated grin on her face that a child could ever have. These five words appear in a beautiful text below her photo. Inside the card are just two words… It’s Coming!

With everything I’ve read, seen, heard, and studied over the last few years about the topic of grounding or earthing, I feel exactly the same as this little girl on that card. I just looked at Amazon and grounding pads, sheets, blankets, etc. are all over the page as far as price, construction, and functionality. It’s an absolutely HUGE market that we’re about to launch into.

After watching this seven minute video passed onto me by my friend Dee, I was even more compelled to delve a little deeper.

Could it be that simple? Standing on the ground barefoot or touching a tree. Yes, it can, but as the frost lays on the ground today, I’m not so sure I want to run through the yard without my Nikken socks, insoles, and shoes. Or find a really nice tree to hug. Fortunately, in a few days all I have to do is expose my hands or feet (or any other skin) to the Kenko Ground for a few minutes.

The stories I’m hearing about this small pad are all over the page. From better sleep, to nagging aches & pains, clinical depression to extreme child behavior issues, this one product is making an impact.

As we think about Christmas gifts for ourselves or something to warm us up a bit heading into the cooler time of year, consider Nikken’s Kenko Ground. Ours should arrive in a couple weeks and I’m beyond anxious to start using it and even more, I’m thrilled to be able to open peoples eyes to instant results with a product that’s gaining a lot of attention world wide. Heck yah! I can just feel it!"


Saturday, November 3, 2018

iCan Attitude and Dr. Stanley Bogusz Being Interviewed by Elaine Mathews!

Dr. Stan Bogusz

Click Here to Listen to This Weeks Call with Guest Host Elaine Mathews. 

"Like the beginning of Nikken, Dr. Stanley Bogus has spent his life focusing on our feet. As a podiatrist, he fully understands the value of what can happen in the 90,000 nerve endings in each foot and the reason why Mr. Masuda’s vision to have a pair of magnetic insoles in every pair of shoes is so vital."

Read Vance's Tip of the Week.

"November 2, 2018

iCan Attitude

Being married to a teacher of 91 students, helping two daughters navigate college, and then attempting to keep up with a 3rd grader gives me more than enough reason to stay in an educational mode everyday. Two years ago on a Wednesday afternoon I heard my very first iCan Attitude session and I was more than hooked. I literally made a decision that day to make sure I became a star pupil. That decision paid off as a few months later we were part of Team Kaizen.

Since then, I’ve had the privilege of facilitating this course several times, each one being better than the last. Life changing, marriage building, customer exploding, business expanding, mind altering, addiction ending, and so many other descriptions come from this course every 12 weeks.

We’re starting again and if you’re ready for one of the best educations of your life, then this could very well be the course for you. What’s it gonna cost me you ask???

15-25 minutes a day
A weekly connection call on Tuesday evening (30-35 minutes)
Mild memorization
Giving up negativity
Commitment to yourself and the group

The iCan2 tab at has all 12 lessons and lesson 12 is a 14 minute overview of the entire program. Check it out, text me ‘I’m all in’ with your name to 503-348-0749, and you can be part of amazing roller coaster ride.

Barb Satterwhite, recent winner of the Humans Being More award in Toronto, said the other day, ‘I did this course three times and I still cannot believe how much I grew through each course!’ .


Saturday, October 27, 2018

KenkoGround and Ruth Loh on Saturday AM Live!

Richard and Ruth Loh
with Their Daughter
Click Here to Listen to This Weeks Call with Ruth Loh.

"Ruth Loh is one of my most grounded friends in Nikken.  She lives life at mach 4 with her hair on fire, yet she knows how to truly embrace the 5 Pillars and share it with others.  Her daughter Rachel is a twice recipient of the Tom Watanabe scholarship and Ruth is the only Nikken Consultant to have won a Mercedes car!  While Ruth has a rich history and many trophies from Nikken, it’s the team she has and her Customer base that keeps her at the top of her game.

Read Vance's Tip Of the Week

"November 26, 2018


Ground breaking. Ground Floor. From the ground up.

Three uses of the word ground that keep going round and round in my head. If you haven’t heard the latest buzz yet, then here is my take on it with a few pieces of intel that I’ve robbed from people like Dave Johnson and Brody Craney. This product is awesome and I cannot wait to use ours when it arrives!!!

There was a fantastic call with Randy Rolfe and Dave Johnson discussing the KenkoGround pad and its potential benefits.

Access the call via:

'Now I see the secret of making the best person: it is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth.' – Walt Whitman.

The Kenko Ground Pad is available for preorder now for $129 retail. The product is expected to ship sometime in November. Place your order quickly as there appears to be a large demand which could create a back order situation. The early bird gets the worm…earlier!

You get what you pay for is a phrase that our family uses a lot. When I first heard about grounding blankets it was from a few friends who had paid $5000 to $7000. Now of course this is a full blanket that not only produces the same effects as the Kenko Ground, it also provides a warm cuddling environment much like that of a throw. So I guess that’s why it’s so expensive. I really don’t know because I’ve not done the research. But just like the expensive water filtration devices that electrocute the water to provide the filtration benefits as our $327 Waterfall, these units are highly priced and only a select few can afford them. The Kenko Ground is priced so the MASSES can afford it.

One last example…. One of my fellow firefighters drives a VW. While I’m not a car guy at all, I know that it felt like I was riding in an F-19 fighter jet when I sat in the passenger seat. I told Nelson that it felt like a Mercedes or BMW! His response was, ‘I know, at a fraction of the cost’.

According to Dr Mercola:

'When you ground to the electron-enriched Earth, an improved balance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system occurs.'

'Being grounded cuts inflammation by thinning your blood and infusing your body with negatively charged ion.'

'To take advantage of grounding indoors, your best bet is to use a grounding pad to sleep, stand barefoot or sit on.'

'Grounding may be one of the most important overlooked factors in public health. When grounding is restored, many people report significant improvement in a wide range of ailments.'

[I suggest you] Google 'earthing', 'grounding,' 'health benefits of grounding pads' etc. You will learn a ton. Our product is well priced, superior construction and the 20% silver will make it a better conductor than anything I’ve seen on the market.

There is a wealth of intel out there about the power of grounding technology (Nikken makes no specific health claims). Have some fun and discover for yourself. But don’t wait to hear stories from others who have enjoyed the amazing benefits. Buy yourself an early Christmas gift and create your own story. Who knows, you could impact a few other lives with this amazing new technology.

Michele Kowalchuk already has a KenkoGround pad and is enjoying amazing experiences. She is the guest on a live webinar this Saturday, Oct 27th at 8am pacific / 11am eastern. Pass this on!

Please click the link below to join the webinar: or Telephone: 669 900 6833,,976 690 439#,#

Important info on KenkoGround [also at]: 


Saturday, October 13, 2018

Tools and Dr David Jones on Saturday AM Live!

Click here to Listen to this weeks call.

Download New Kenko Ground Flyer

" 'Dr' David Jones (not really a doctor) gave me one of the greatest tools that a friend could share so that I could take care of the temple that God gave to me. I often refer to him as a doctor because the advice he’s passed onto me has completely changed the way I think about my physical body. And as I learned from Dennis Williams, if I don’t take care of this body, where am I going to live?

David has been a physical trainer for more than three decades. Time Under Tension or TUT is just one of the things that he teaches with his Muscle Activation Techniques. And like many of the people who share Nikken, David’s life journey is the result of his own experience, not just theory or from a textbook. Being a college football linebacker he learned real quickly that tools are only good when they’re actually used. These tools along with a few choice words allow David to help people discover exactly how balance can be achieved."

Read Vance's Tips of the Week
October 11, 2018

" 'Tools'

Both my grandfathers were in the construction industry. Grandpa Rogers started installing sheet metal gutters on weekends while working at a feed/building materials store. Contractors needed someone who knew how to hang gutters so grandpa (and dad) spent most Saturday’s and Sunday’s on roofs. Within a few months he had to give notice at the feed store because he had so much work. Grandpa Schimpf was a finish carpenter who was never without work due to the reputation he had for detail. Anything that could be built with wood and finished to a thing of beauty was 2nd nature to him.

These men taught me the value of tools. Dad used to always say that you can build a house with a hammer and a hand saw or that same house with a nail gun and a circular saw. Both sets of tools will get the job done, but the latter two will produce that house faster and with more accuracy.

Connecting people with Nikken with good tools is great, but with great tools its so much better. Or as Marty Jeffery taught me in lesson nine of the iCan Attitude course, ‘Tools do not work - if you don’t use them. No amount of thinking or intent will see your business succeed. Only right action, based on customer-centric principles will get us the long-term results.’

The Internet has redefined how we connect people to Nikken, but ultimately it’s still about using any tool to transfer information to open a persons mind to the possibility of a result with a Nikken solution. Yeah, that was a mouthful I know, but think about it for a second. We didn’t get a product result until we accepted the fact that something was going to happen. When we connect a person to Nikken’s philosophies, then the results are almost guaranteed.

So far, Brody Craney has recorded five excellent seminars on five different products. If you cannot catch this great tool live, then the recordings are just a phone call away. In a culture that we’re so busy and Internet/Data connections aren’t always reliable, this simple tool is truly wonderful. Simply punch the phone number, enter the access code, and then select the recording #. My friend Diane Koch shared with the iCan group that she just sold a Waterfall to a Customer after months of leg work who listened to Brody’s call on the Sports Bottle.

[Live Call] Thursday’s at 4pm PST
Code 721323#
Same Code then one of the following
2-Jade GreenZymes
3-Sports Bottle


Saturday, October 6, 2018

Power Conference Calls and Brody Craney on Saturday AM Live!

Click Here to Listen to this weeks Saturday AM Live Call. Brody Craney is a friend and amazing leader who hosts a conference call every Thursday that is just plain awesome! He’s agreed to share his story as well as some tips to leverage this weekly product call with us. I’ll warn you that he is high energy and always has been. Well, except when his body was really messed up prior to Nikken. His passion for sharing his journey of wellness is not only fascinating, it compels the listener to do something with this knowledge.

Read Vance's Tips of the Week

If information is power, then my goal is to empower those whom I’m leading so they can empower the people they’re leading.

This statement has been a core philosophy of mine for over 15 years every Saturday morning at 7am west coast time. What started with a couple dozen people has grown immensely and at least once a week I receive the most gracious notes of gratitude that a guy could ever ask for. And what’s funny is that I really wanted to do was hear people’s stories of how Nikken impacted their lives and it developed into a wonderful resource that I leverage almost every time I talk to someone about Nikken.

Here’s a perfect example. Yesterday when chatting with my nephew I said, ‘I was on the phone with a doctor friend of mine last Saturday and she was telling me about her daughters condition. The more we talked the more I learned how great Nikken is for people in that situation.’ What’s even more fun is when I cheat a little bit and leverage other conference calls that I’m simply listening too or catch the recording of. No, I’m not actually talking with the person, but I can honestly share with others that I was on the phone with people like Dave Johnson, Julie Tara, Dave Rolfe, or a high powered attorney and nutritional guru like Randy Rolfe.

Dave Rolfe, Julie Tara, Randy Rolfe and Dave Johnson explain what’s new:

If you wanna have a greater impact with others, tune into at least one conference call a week and make it a habit of inviting others to join you. This one, with these four power presenters, happens every Monday at 5pm and Thursday at 11:00am PST. Because it’s a Zoom format, we get to watch them present wonderful information that’s timely and just the thing to introduce our customers to Nikken. It’s a proven statistic that 3/4 of people will join you if you invite them. They don’t have to leave their home, simply click on a link.

Here’s all the intel you’ll need to plug into these:

Starting Monday Oct 1st, 2018 Dave Rolfe and Julie Tara will be conducting Wellness Previews on Zoom. We will also be doing one on Thursdays.

Mondays at 5:00 pm pacific / 8:00 pm eastern

Thursdays at 11:00 am pacific / 2:00 pm eastern / 7:00 pm UK

You can get quick access here

The direct Zoom link is

Each week the intention is to have special guests for both Product Testimonies and Business Testimonies.

We will want you to participate and invite your guests and prospects.

These Wellness previews will be posted on the Nikken Events site and regular weekly emails will be sent.

Also every Tuesday morning the Smart Networker Zoom Call is done. You can get a preview of this here.

You can also join the Tuesday Zoom call using this link
The times 8:00 AM PST, 9:00 AM MST, 10:00 AM CST, 11:00 AM EST, 4:00 PM UK

All Zoom calls are recorded and posted on

If you have any questions or would like to be a guest please reply to Dave Rolfe at: or phone me [Dave Rolfe] at 617-388-9109

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Thank You and Dr Heather Loucks on Saturday AM Live

Dr. Heather Loucks, ND
The Energy She Shares is Amazing!
Click Here to Listen to This Weeks Call

"Dr. Heather Loucks is not your typical doctor. Her passion for helping others comes from her own journey to discover wellness for herself and it shows in the way she communicates the life changing benefits of Nikken products."

Read Vance's Tip of the Week

September 28, 2018

"I remember reading a book eight years ago while we were in Ethiopia with the subtitle of ‘Meeting your neighbors one siren at a time’. It was written by a professional poet who happen to land in a small town and decided to join the volunteer fire dept. The book became a page turner because I gleaned so much as to how to engage people in different settings.

Heather and Linda
Epitomize Nikken Health and Beauty 
 Bud Davis is a friend who I don’t see very often other than at the post office or different community functions. Yesterday he was having trouble breathing so his wife called 911 and I was privileged to be one of the first responders to assist. What made the journey way up Larch Mountain Road so worth it was when we were loading him into the ambulance and he gave me this look as if to say something. I came closer only to be fully embraced in his arms as he said, ‘Thank you for coming to see me again’.

"Fairy God Mother" & "Heather Feather"
Nikken's 40th Birthday Party
Here is a guy who is 93 years young and still took the few seconds to thank me for doing what I am trained to do. What a great way to start the day!!!

This week marked the 26th year of me being introduced to Nikken and I can not even count the times that I’ve had people thank us for introducing them to this wonderful company. Not everyone will receive it, but it’s so worth it to find the ones that will open up their arms and minds to a gift. It’s not really hard either, its just a matter of figuring out how to engage people enough to listen. And when we do, they’ll tell us where it hurts."


Saturday, September 22, 2018

Renew or Not? and Al Thornton on Saturday AM Live!

Sandra and Al Thornton
Click Hear to Listen to this Weeks Call.

Our discussion about Nikken Wellness or the 18 amazing nutritional products continues tomorrow with a guest who I feel not only knows his stuff, but knows how to help others discover EXACTLY what their bodies need. Al and Sandra Thornton have continued to blow me away with their simple demonstrative methods of introducing people to the benefits of proper nutrients. Al’s background in marketing helps make him just the person I go to when showing people how great Nikken’s supplements are for us. If you’ve been looking for a little razzle/dazzle in your Nikken intro, I do hope you’ll catch this conversation.

Read Vance's Tip of the Week!

August 21, 2018,

" 'To renew or not to renew, that is the question'

As I click the yellow notice at the top of the Nikken website to renew for the 25th time since I joined Nikken on December 2nd, 1992, I have to ask the question that I often do when renewing any subscription, membership, or pay an annual fee… Is it worth it?

Here’s the short and skinny of why I continue to renew our Nikken Consultantship. BECAUSE I’M IN THIS TO IMPACT LIVES BOTH PHYSICALLY AND FINANCIALLY! Anyone who’s not interested in the business of Nikken, should not renew or even join as a Consultant. It’s a waste of time and money.

Let me explain why I’m so strong on this issue. Registering a person as a Consultant just to get a discount is a waste of $99 and it defeats the benefits of our amazing compensation plan, especially the new weekly pay-outs from Customer orders. And when it comes to Autoship (which is something that everyone can benefit from) it simply doesn’t pencil out. A Customer would have to spend $2000 in their first year on Autoship orders to offset the $99 because they automatically receive a 25% discount on all the consumables when ordered via Autoship.

Here’s another example that seems to be a topic of most or our current culture. Amazon Prime. This annual membership costs $100 and gets you free shipping on most items. If you order a lot, then it pays for itself. If you don’t, then it doesn’t. And if you live in a remote area where you cannot get cable, but have Internet, then there are lots of movies you get included with this service. So essentially, it could even eliminate the cost of cable or a satellite dish.

So when it comes to renewing our Consultantship, I know why we do it. I encourage you as a Consultant to remember why you joined. If that why doesn’t make you cry, then consider being a Customer or think about re-launching that why. But please, don’t renew simply because you think you’re saving some money. Renew to changes lives both physically and financially. After all, those are the two pillars where most people are needing a little improvement in."


Saturday, September 15, 2018

Apple A Day and Nikken Wellness 101 Part 2 on Saturday AM Live!

Click Here to Listen to this Weeks Call about Nikken's Wellness Nutritional Solutions.

Last weekend we started discussing Nikken Wellness or the 18 amazing nutritional products so we’re gonna pick up right where we left off. The group contribution was excellent and I do hope this will continue. We’ll discuss the Features, Advantages, & Benefits or FAB of each item starting with Mental Clarity and continuing down the shopping cart. Please be ready to contribute your favorite experience with each item as testimonies are often more interesting than factual information.
Read Vance's Tip of the Week!
September 14, 2018

" 'An Apple a Day…'

One of the earliest goal-setting quotes I remember hearing as a teenager was simply this: ‘Failing to plan is planning to fail’. While most would associate this with tasks or dreams, it’s one of the basic fundamentals of diet that our family has used to maintain healthy bodies.

As we head into the cooler months and the thought of white stuff falling from the sky, our bodies need an extra boost to keep them in proper working order. Long sleeves, hats, and warmer clothing is standard, but sometimes we forget that a few basic tweaks in our nutritional habits will yield big results and keep us away from the doctor.

Nikken Wellness is just that. Wellness via Nikken! While making healthy food choices is elementary, adding a few choice nutritional products can be the key to a strong immune system and preventing some of the normal ickiness that everyone seems to think is normal during the winter months.

As Consultants or Customers, taking advantage of Autoship is the ideal way to get a few nutritional products coming every month with big savings for our wallet. Our family has been using this wonderful method of ordering since before we were a family and I know that the money we have invested has saved us thousands on the long end. And kept us out of the doctors office!
So if you don’t have access to a great organic apple every day, look into adding a few basic core supplements to your routine. Jades and Immunity have been staples in our home for almost two decades now. I’d suggest starting there and then build in the areas of need. Again, Autoship is the way to go!
