Contact Info

We cover a different topic every week. From prospecting to product training, registering Customers vs. Consultants, and of course, the power of live stories... we'll do our best to continue covering it all. Contact: Vance 503-348-0749

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Friday, February 26, 2016

February 27, 2016 - Understanding the New Standards - Saturday AM Live with Vance Rogers

Click Here to Listen to Vance and team help us "Understanding the New Standards."
Click Here - New Call Schedule Starts March 7th

Quoting Vance's email:

"QPGPV, QPPV and QOPV. What does this all mean? As we’re building with a new Customer focus, how do we utilize these new terms to empower ourselves and our people. And what about our personal Autoship? Don’t we have to have 100 points under our own ID#?

My goal in 30 minutes is to clarify what the new standard is and how liberating it can be. We’ll also take a look at the benefits of hitting 500, 1000 or 1500 in Customer Volume each month."

 Order Yours Today
Vance's Tip of The Week:

"February 26th, 2016
Our #1 product!

Prior to the introduction of Kenzen Vital Balance, Nikken’s signature Jade GreenZymes was our most popular product. When you compare what just a few teaspoons are equal to, you begin to understand why we could build an entire business around this single product.

3 tsps contain:

the manganese that you would find in 6 beets

the zinc contained in one cup of brown rice

the phosphorous of 6 apples

the iron of one artichoke

the magnesium of 5 stalks of celery

the beta-carotene of 4 large carrots

the potassium of 3 bananas

the quantity of protein in one egg

Reference Guide - US 
English - Spanish

Reference Guide - CN
English - French

the calcium of 125 ml of milk


the niacin (Vitamin B3) of 4 lobsters

the pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5) of 4 cabbages

the folic acid found in 9 cups of wheat pasta

the vitamin E of 15 lettuces

the vitamin C of an orange

the riboflavin (vitamin B2) of 16 asparagus spears

the thiamin (vitamin B1) of 2 slices of whole wheat bread

the pyridoxine (vitamin B6) of 2 pieces of salmon
Order Yours Today

the vitamin H of 3 tomatoes 

Here is a fantastic presentation by Brody Craney that would be perfect to share with anyone who is looking for a simple nutritional product to accompany any of our wellness technologies.

As we encourage our Customers to take advantage of the new 25% discount for consumables on Autoship, Jade would be a fantastic addition for any family."

Also, Linda Morris has several GreenZymes presentations at:

Saturday, February 20, 2016

February 20, 2016 Saturday AM Live with Rodger and Jen Bessire

Rodger & Jen Bessire - See DUK Tape Info
Click Here to Listen to February 20, 2016 Saturday AM Live with Rodger and Jen Bessire

"Rodger & Jen Bessire rose to stardom about the same time Nikken introduced the DUK tape. As a Physical Therapist, Jenn was more than familiar with kinetic tape in the role it can play in accelerating the bodies healing process. But it takes more than just a $15 product to launch a business in the short amount of time that the Bessire’s did."

Vance's Tip of the Week

"February 18th, 2016

Right tool for the the right job

I remember as a kid hearing that phrase from my father and both my grandfathers. You can use all sorts of things to get the job done, but if you wanna accomplish it faster and with more accuracy, then it’s worth the few minutes to get the right tool.

On March 1st, through the great coordination of Ben Woodward, we will be launching a new tool to educate people on various topics of Nikken. Monday through Saturday at different times of the day, people will have the opportunity to catch live conference calls and zoom presentations by a host of amazing top leaders." 
Download Proposed Weekly Call Schedule
I’ve attached the tentative schedule to familiarize yourself with. Check out the color coding for different types of people. For example, the blue time slots would be a great thing to share with Customers who are wanting to learn more about the products. These 30 minute presentations will definitely be the right tool for the job of growing up the thousands of new Customers who joined us last month. And for those of us who need to sharpen our skills in different areas, we can pick just the right instructor to get the job done!


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

February 16, 2015 @ 9 AM PST/12 Noon EST Special Call with Jeff Isom Hosting Ben Woodward.

Goodbye corporate office - hello home office.  
 Just did an ABC from here and have a couple  
of new team members in the UK! I love this  
I want an corner office like this!
Listen to Leadership Call With Ben    

Download Proposed Call Schedule 

Email from Jeff Isom 2/15/16

Dear Nikken Leaders and Mentors,

Please join us [Tuesday] morning for a very special NIKKEN Leaders and Mentors call.
This call will be hosted by Jeff Isom with special guest Royal Diamond, Ben Woodward.

The call will cover the Weekly Field Calls that are being arranged to provide our Independent Nikken Consultants the most up to date information, inspiration, insight, and training possible.

PLEASE JOIN US and share with members of your team who you feel would benefit from this call.

Time: Tuesday, February, 16th 2016 @ 9 AM PST/12 Noon EST
Number: 1-712-775-7035
Participant Code: 446419#

See you on the call!



Saturday, February 13, 2016

February 13, 2016 Saturday AM Live with Vance Rogers - Lowdown from Logan

Click Here to Listen to February 13, 2016 Saturday AM Live with Vance Rogers - Lowdown from Logan [The Eagle Expo]

"Have you ever been to a gathering of people that left you talking about it for months? For those of us at the Eagle Expo three weeks ago, I know it was more than simply another annual event. This was a life-altering experience that has left an imprint on my spirit and I find myself refering to it daily. 

Is it possible to capture the spirit of an event even if you’re not there in person? I think so. I’ve asked several people to share their snapshot of this wonderful weekend and I think you’ll be able to get a taste of the buffet that we enjoyed for two and a half days. "

Click Here to Listen to Vance and Alan Fujioka from "Team Hawaii" on The Morning Rev - They sold over 200 Waterfalls in One Week

Kim - Thank You for Sharing your Valentine

Vance's Tip of the Week
"February 12th, 2016

The most educational hour of my week.
What started a little over a year ago with Diamonds and Royal Diamonds with then president Ben Woodward, has now been opened to anyone who wants to join. Ben facilitates an in depth discussion of some of the best leadership principles available. From his own life experiences to the contribution of the wellness consultants around the world, Ben leads an intense hour that I guarantee will change the course of your week. 

Every Tuesday at 9:00 am(PST), noon (EST)

Click the link below to join the webinar: or

Or iPhone [Android] one-tap: 16465687788,999373763# or 14157629988,999373763#

Or Telephone: 646-568-7788 or 415-762-9988 
Webinar ID: 999 373 763#"

Quote From Dave Johnson's Email: "Building a great culture doesn't happen in a day - it happens every day!"

Friday, February 5, 2016

February 6, 2016 Saturday AM Live With Vance Rogers - Where do we go from here?

Click Here to Listen to February 6, 2016 Saturday Am Live with Vance -  Where do we go from here?

After last weeks experience, some of us may feel like we exhausted all our contacts and don't know what to do next. Can I suggest waiting a few days and then asking your Customers for referrals? 

Tomorrow morning we wanna hear the stories of success and what your next step is to keep the ball rolling in the right direction. Some are extremely emotional where as others are downright unbelievable. With the numbers of new Customers added to the flock, please be ready to share the ones that touched you the most.

Vance's Tip of the Week:

 February 5th, 2016

Avalanche of Orders!

For the first time in my 23 years with Nikken, I don't recall a time when so much excitement was generated by a single promotion. Yes, as I type this, there are still orders waiting to be processed, so here are a few points that I've had fun sharing with both Customers and Consultants the last few days:

450% increase in Customer acquisition

5 times the amount of Customers in the last week of January than any previous month

Entire Call Center shut down so employee’s could be transferred to order entry

Over 200 Waterfalls sold during the promotion in the Fujioka/Lapenia Groups in Hawaii

My heart goes out to all of us who are still waiting to see final numbers. It truly is an exciting time to be part of this great company. With growth like this, there will be a few bumps. The good news is that literally thousands of people will be enjoying our life-changing products for the first time. Just imagine what stories they'll be telling in a few days from now."
