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We cover a different topic every week. From prospecting to product training, registering Customers vs. Consultants, and of course, the power of live stories... we'll do our best to continue covering it all. Contact: Vance 503-348-0749

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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Saturday July 25, 2015 Summer Sizzle and Rogers Team Kaizen Call #24

Listen to the Saturday, July 25, 2015 Call  Rogers Team Kaizen Call #24.

What can we do to increase our exposure and shorten the informational process for new people? Is it just through connecting people to Nikken as a customer or consultant? Is there a faster way to get people to see the big picture?

As we crest the half-way mark of summer, I'm all to aware that the days are getting shorter and before we know it, we’ll be looking forward to breaking out our thermals again. There’s lots to leverage in a new product like DUK tape, but I think the core principle is to refine our story to include the high points of what is making Nikken 2.0 so unique.
Vance writes in his weekly email:
"‘Why haven't I heard about Nikken?’

This question was posed to me yesterday by a new customer who kept asking questions about specific uses of the products. Just in her immediate family they had a range of issues including raging back agony in her 23 year old daughter due to three botched surgeries! The more we talked, the more excited she got about this new discovery.

Pat Terry shared a challenge recently to modify our story with emphasis since January of 2015. Nikken has evolved into a totally new company compared to what it has been in the past. Sure, we'e still the leader in advanced magnetic products, but now we’ve continued that excellence with items like DUK tape. Most are feeling results in seconds with just a small piece. What a fantastic prospecting tool!

If you’re Nikken story reaches back several years, can I echo Pat's challenge? We need to focus on what’s current because it’s gonna keep getting better. With what we’ve seen in business growth since January is just the tip of the ice berg. Modeling the Quality Enrollment and encouraging others to do the same means big growth and really nice commission checks. It’s a very attainable level and it fosters personal sales. Personal sales means that we’re setting the example of sharing. And the more we share, the less we’ll have to worry about anyone ever asking that question again.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Saturday July 18, 2015 Remember to DUK - Team Rogers Kaizen Mentoring Call #23.

Listen to the Saturday, July 18, 2015 Rogers Team Kaizen Call #23. Remember to DUK.

Vance writes in his weekly email:  

"While on the Nikken leadership call this week, I heard several great things that continue to remind me of the opportunity that is before us as Wellness Consultants.  If we truly want to share these solutions and the business opportunity with others, then we’re going to have to learn from those who are more successful than we are if we want to increase our physical and financial gain.

Several of us have already ordered the new DUK & Cocoon.  We're using these and sharing them with others.  People are seeing that excitement and they're ordering their own.  Some are brand new to Nikken where as others like us are adding to their wellness home.  Either way, new products are a wellness shot in the arm and a nice addition to the wallet.

I’ve got a few choice thoughts to share on the DUK, the leadership call and I'm thrilled to welcome any testimonies that have already occurred from either of these new products.

July 17th, 2015

Nikken DUK

By now, you've received four or five really educational emails about this fantastic new product from Nikken.  For years, we’ve been suggesting athletic tape, ace bandages and even horse wrap to hold our magnetic products in place.  And what’s crazy is that so many of us are doing whatever it takes to keep these magnets in place because we know that is exactly what our bodies need to either heal or recover from every day issues.

Now we have something in house to provide so many wonderful results.

I've caught a few of the conference calls this week on this great new product and already heard some amazing stories of success.  If you've missed them and when you have 22 minutes, this presentation by Dr. Jen Bessire is by far the best use of your time for education and motivation.  

Like all the rest of our new energy solutions, it will be months or even years before the rest of society acknowledges the benefits of a great product like this.  What continues to make me grateful for the financial opportunity is the fact that most of people around us still don't even know about the products we've had for 40 years.  I've got some work to do!  And now I have another solution to not only hold my magnets in place, but also provide a fantastic way to demonstrate two other core technologies (FIR and Negative Ions) at the same time."

Dave Johnson shared that Dr. Jen also was on the Morning Rev Call this week and the recording can be found at:

Thanks to Jeannie Zedan for finding these Kinesio Taping Techniques.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Saturday July 11, 2015 Where To Find Documents You Need - Team Rogers Kaizen Mentoring Call #22

Listen to the Saturday  July 11, 2015 Call.   Rogers Team Kaizen Call #22.

Many times I've been asked what is the fastest way to locate the key video's and documents to share 'The New Nikken' or 'Nikken 2.0'.  Well, thanks to Jeff Isom, here is everything in one spot!

Hello Nikken Leaders,

Please find below a list of tools and training that have been created this year to support your efforts in building Nikken 2.0.

All of these tools are available, translated in all languages, are consistent across Europe and North America and are either on Youtube or MyNikken. Of course there is more, but this helps us to address with both video, audio, and PDFs your ability to reach out and talk to people about three key activities: Contacting prospects and sharing a consistent message, developing Business Builders (versus product users) and showing Business Builders the structure and system to follow that is supported with incentives and rewards to achieve success. 

Introductions to Nikken:

1. “A Life in Balance”: The Nikken Brand video. (Shares the Five Pillars of Health as our Unique Selling Point.)

2. “Discover Freedom”: The Nikken Business Opportunity video. (Shares what Nikken can do for the business builder.)

3. “Why Nikken?”: As Shared by President Ben Woodward (Created by Ben as European MD.)

Choosing to Build a Nikken Business:

1. “The New Nikken”: PDF that introduces Quality Enrollments, the Nikken Plan, Team Kaizen and Team Taishi: 
2. Videos that explains the New Nikken and the Nikken Plan as outlined in the above PDF in detail.
The New Nikken:

Quality Enrollments:

3. "Business 21 Club”: PDF that explains this business building program with a recently introduced payout to the A and the B: 

4. "Paragon Award”: PDF that explains this business building program that is now a Double Paragon Award and offering a $2000 payout.

Incentives to support Quality Enrollments and the Nikken Plan:

1. "Rising Star program”: PDF explaining this program that rewards achieving 500PV each and every month.

2. "Customer Acquisition Incentive”: PDF explaining this incentive focused on acquiring new customers.

3. “Entrepreneur Sponsorship Program”: PDF explaining this program focusing on sponsoring new consultants.

Follow up training, encouragement and contact:

1. “Launching Your Nikken Business”: Video explaining how to launch or relaunch your business. (Do the Nikken Plan x 10!)

2. “Show Me the Money!”: Video explaining how to combine all Nikken 2.0 programs and incentives to maximize earnings.

2. “40th Anniversary Celebration”: Video highlighting the amazing March 2015 celebration of 40 years of Nikken.

Jeff Isom
Vice President of Sales and Training
Nikken Inc.

2 Corporate Park, Irvine, California, USA 92606
+1 949 789 2008 office

Friday, July 3, 2015

Saturday July 4, 2015 Team Rogers Kaizen Message

No Call July 4, 2015.  Vance Writes in his weekly email:

July 3, 2015

"Celebrating Freedom

 Just read this great story of a father celebrating the fact of his son coming home from a distant country. They had a huge party with tons of food and everyone was thrilled for the reunion. Except for one, the older brother who was jealous.

As I was reading this story I couldn’t help but think of one of our new Wellness Consultants who celebrates like this all the time. He escaped communist Romania twice (first time was caught and any freedom he had was taken away) and has created a really good life for himself and his family. Dan has approached Nikken in a similiar way.

'Everyone needs to hear about these insoles! If Nikken started with this product then that's what my friends will start with.'  It doesn't matter what Dan’s friends may have going on in their physical body, he shares the mSteps and within a few minutes... They get to experience the instant energy while standing on them. With the amazing partnership of his wife Ligia, they registered four customers with at least a 100 point orders and sponsored 3 consultants with several hundred dollar orders and went Senior in their first month!

There is a huge connection with social freedom and what we get to experience in the other four pillars of health. I know Dan's passion to daily embrace the freedom we have in our country that ultimately comes from God is based on the freedom we have in the other areas of life, but being able to offer it to other people has challenged me.

As we celebrate the 4th of July and the many freedom's we have, I encourage you to remember those who don’t know about the gift of Nikken. We truly have something that can grant freedom in all five areas of life if we'll be bold enough to share, share and keep sharing.

Have a fabulous time celebrating freedom this weekend. We all know it isn't free, and we're eternally grateful for those who have given so much on our behalf.

Vance(for all the Rogers family)"