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Friday, July 3, 2015

Saturday July 4, 2015 Team Rogers Kaizen Message

No Call July 4, 2015.  Vance Writes in his weekly email:

July 3, 2015

"Celebrating Freedom

 Just read this great story of a father celebrating the fact of his son coming home from a distant country. They had a huge party with tons of food and everyone was thrilled for the reunion. Except for one, the older brother who was jealous.

As I was reading this story I couldn’t help but think of one of our new Wellness Consultants who celebrates like this all the time. He escaped communist Romania twice (first time was caught and any freedom he had was taken away) and has created a really good life for himself and his family. Dan has approached Nikken in a similiar way.

'Everyone needs to hear about these insoles! If Nikken started with this product then that's what my friends will start with.'  It doesn't matter what Dan’s friends may have going on in their physical body, he shares the mSteps and within a few minutes... They get to experience the instant energy while standing on them. With the amazing partnership of his wife Ligia, they registered four customers with at least a 100 point orders and sponsored 3 consultants with several hundred dollar orders and went Senior in their first month!

There is a huge connection with social freedom and what we get to experience in the other four pillars of health. I know Dan's passion to daily embrace the freedom we have in our country that ultimately comes from God is based on the freedom we have in the other areas of life, but being able to offer it to other people has challenged me.

As we celebrate the 4th of July and the many freedom's we have, I encourage you to remember those who don’t know about the gift of Nikken. We truly have something that can grant freedom in all five areas of life if we'll be bold enough to share, share and keep sharing.

Have a fabulous time celebrating freedom this weekend. We all know it isn't free, and we're eternally grateful for those who have given so much on our behalf.

Vance(for all the Rogers family)"

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