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Saturday, October 24, 2015

October 22-25, 2015 News from San Antonio

News From San Antonio

Notes sent to Steve from Vance:

Here's what I got from last [Thursday] night:

Bernadette McBurnie's talk
91% of customers say they will give referrals Only 11% of salespeople ask for referrals -Dale Carnegie

The answer to the question that's never asked is 'no'

Our purpose: Meet people I want to be around. Visit stores or businesses that seem interesting.

Live my life and meet people[at] Meetup, Craig's List, social media. The purpose is not to immediately share Nikken, but to build relationships

William Todd
What is my why? The how will come later, the why has to be established now.

Ben Woodward
The environment of which we live creates. Regardless of how strong the belief, it does not create a correct principle. The biggest stumbling block is my belief in myself.

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