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Saturday, April 16, 2016

Kerrie Percy with Vance on April 16, 2016 - From Sickness to Wellness - An Amazing Story

Kerrie and Darrin
What a Love Story!
Click here to Listen to Vance end Kerrie:  Vance writes: To her family and team, Kerrie Percey is the spark plug of energy. Or maybe she’s the energy that’s in the spark plug. Either way, Kerrie is one of those people who raises the power level when she arrives. Some would ask, ‘how does she stay so active and alert with six kids when she’s a grandma?’

Kerrie has an amazing story of what the Nikken products did for her while still very young. Dealing with several injuries from her days as a gymnast, she literally thought that she would suffer for the rest of her life. Nikken came along and the rest is history.

Vance's Tip of the Week

"April 14th, 2016

What People Earn

Parade magazines most popular edition came out last Sunday with some interesting news. Aside from the earnings of celebrities to farmers, the article points out that the health care industry is exploding.  'Thanks to aging baby boomers, more Americans grapple with chronic health problems (diabetes, obesity)...' The article goes onto to report that 19 of the top 30 fastest-growing occupations are in health care or personal care.
These same baby boomers that are creating these jobs are also looking for inexpensive solutions for wellness. Surgery and medications are NOT providing the answers they’re looking for. Without having to bother with insurance, co-pays, and doctors schedules, they are turning to alternative health options.

So if you wanna be part of the earning wave, we need to get our surf boards in front of the shifting tide. It started a few years ago when boomers started turning 65 every eight seconds and it’s continued. Nikken has the solutions that fit the needs of the largest group of people in the history of the world. And with our prices, what a fun way to earn from their demand."


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