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Saturday, September 16, 2017

Beauty for Ashes and Jean Brock RN on Saturday AM Live!

Jean and Dan Brock
Click Here to Listen to a Very Smart Couple share an amazing retirement!

"Jean Brock has seen her fair share of lives altered by tragedy. As a registered nurse, she used her training to help people turn the corner and get on a better path. For several years now she's applied that same training to live a Nikken lifestyle AND share it with others.

Jean's involvement with organizations like Wounded Warriors keeps her in front of folks that really need what Nikken has to offer. Her perky attitude is contagious and one that I reference regularly."

Something Worth Fighting For
Please Read Vance's Tip of the Week

" 'Beauty for Ashes'

I first heard this reference to Isaiah 61 when Stacey and I were visiting some friends in Haiti. Joe & Cindy had lived there for 21 years and were constantly attempting to convert what was bad or destroyed into something good and beautiful.

Five days on the front lines of what is now a 35,000 acre forest fire was an emotional roller coaster for me. Our task force had moments of comic relief due to a variety of situations and yet the one I'll remember most is standing in four inches of ash as I wept. What God created and nature took decades to grow to the beautiful area known as the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area has been altered by carelessness. The forest will grow back, the residents will live with the new normal, and life will be a little less hectic in a matter a days, weeks, and months. I know this for a fact because disasters like this happen and we are a resilient people.

Where There's Smoke There's Fire

Nikken empowers us to become Humans Being More. Whether it's a tropical storm dumping feet of rain in a matter of days, a hurricane with winds bringing utter destruction, or a forest fire burning up everything in its path, the human spirit can overcome any tragedy. Every amazing Nikken story I've heard or experienced has come from people who want to rise above their current situation. It's a glimmer of hope or a seed of expectation that compels us for something better.

It Felt Like It Would Never End
We can obtain beauty for ashes. We must step out into what is better. We have to. Our future depends on it.


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