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Saturday, September 8, 2018

50th Birthday and Nikken Wellness 101 Part 1 on Saturday AM Live!

Yummy Kenzen KVB with Shaker
Click Here to Listen to this Weeks Saturday AM Live about Nikken's Wellness Solutions Part 1.

While I thought we could pull it off in one session, after reviewing the greatness of Nikken Wellness or our fabulous nutritional products, it would be rather challenging to cover all 18 of them in one conference call. We’ll discuss the Features, Advantages and Benefits or FAB of each item starting with my favorite Jade GreenZymes and continuing down the shopping cart. Please be ready to contribute your favorite experience with each item as testimonies are often more interesting than factual information.

Looking forward to exploring Nikken Wellness with you tomorrow!

Read Vance's Tip of the Week!

September 7, 2018

Crossing the half-century mark

Two days after my 50th birthday I received an invitation to join AARP. WOW! I’ve finally arrived was my first thought and then I did a little more digging only to discover the real perks to being in my 50’s don’t really kick in till I’m 55. Bummer! Now I have to wait another five years.

After drinking all that Free Coffee
Do ya think he was Wired
A friend told me yesterday that 20 years ago he almost joined Nikken. The more we conversed the more he started sharing physical issues that I literally had to bite my tongue to avoid a response. ‘I suppose you’re gonna tell me that Nikken has a solution for this eh?’, was his question as I simply smiled. When he was ready to hear I simply shared my elevator speech about me being 24 with a major back issue and how these amazing products enable me to do what I do today with very few limitations.

Regardless of our age or what condition our body may be in, we can always improve them by aligning ourselves with earth energies and these wonderful concepts called the 5 Pillars of Health.

My friend may have the financial pillar dialed in, but what I found interesting was the two cups of coffee he had sitting on the kitchen counter and a third being brewed in the French press. ‘Now I know your secret’, I said to him and simply smiled.

Maybe Stacy Will Tell Us
Before we departed ways, I asked for the best method for him to review two short videos and obtained his cell #. I made sure he’d actually watch them if I texted them to which he smiled and said, ‘I’d like those very much as I’ve been wondering what life would be like today had I made a different decision 20 years ago’.

And while I know I could leverage 26 years of Nikken experience and how I am in better physical shape at 50 than I was at 24, I find it much easier to leverage tools like these:

What is Vital Wellness?

Nikken mStrides and brief history of company/magnetics


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