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Saturday, October 13, 2018

Tools and Dr David Jones on Saturday AM Live!

Click here to Listen to this weeks call.

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" 'Dr' David Jones (not really a doctor) gave me one of the greatest tools that a friend could share so that I could take care of the temple that God gave to me. I often refer to him as a doctor because the advice he’s passed onto me has completely changed the way I think about my physical body. And as I learned from Dennis Williams, if I don’t take care of this body, where am I going to live?

David has been a physical trainer for more than three decades. Time Under Tension or TUT is just one of the things that he teaches with his Muscle Activation Techniques. And like many of the people who share Nikken, David’s life journey is the result of his own experience, not just theory or from a textbook. Being a college football linebacker he learned real quickly that tools are only good when they’re actually used. These tools along with a few choice words allow David to help people discover exactly how balance can be achieved."

Read Vance's Tips of the Week
October 11, 2018

" 'Tools'

Both my grandfathers were in the construction industry. Grandpa Rogers started installing sheet metal gutters on weekends while working at a feed/building materials store. Contractors needed someone who knew how to hang gutters so grandpa (and dad) spent most Saturday’s and Sunday’s on roofs. Within a few months he had to give notice at the feed store because he had so much work. Grandpa Schimpf was a finish carpenter who was never without work due to the reputation he had for detail. Anything that could be built with wood and finished to a thing of beauty was 2nd nature to him.

These men taught me the value of tools. Dad used to always say that you can build a house with a hammer and a hand saw or that same house with a nail gun and a circular saw. Both sets of tools will get the job done, but the latter two will produce that house faster and with more accuracy.

Connecting people with Nikken with good tools is great, but with great tools its so much better. Or as Marty Jeffery taught me in lesson nine of the iCan Attitude course, ‘Tools do not work - if you don’t use them. No amount of thinking or intent will see your business succeed. Only right action, based on customer-centric principles will get us the long-term results.’

The Internet has redefined how we connect people to Nikken, but ultimately it’s still about using any tool to transfer information to open a persons mind to the possibility of a result with a Nikken solution. Yeah, that was a mouthful I know, but think about it for a second. We didn’t get a product result until we accepted the fact that something was going to happen. When we connect a person to Nikken’s philosophies, then the results are almost guaranteed.

So far, Brody Craney has recorded five excellent seminars on five different products. If you cannot catch this great tool live, then the recordings are just a phone call away. In a culture that we’re so busy and Internet/Data connections aren’t always reliable, this simple tool is truly wonderful. Simply punch the phone number, enter the access code, and then select the recording #. My friend Diane Koch shared with the iCan group that she just sold a Waterfall to a Customer after months of leg work who listened to Brody’s call on the Sports Bottle.

[Live Call] Thursday’s at 4pm PST
Code 721323#
Same Code then one of the following
2-Jade GreenZymes
3-Sports Bottle


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