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Saturday, July 13, 2019

Customer Retention and Random Stories

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Last Saturday my new friend, Andrea Shipman, shared some of her dynamic dozen's (family of 12 kids) Nikken experiences and I received quite a few wonderful communications of gratitude for this. So since it’s been awhile that we simply opened up the line for completely unplanned stories, I’m giving you an extra day to think of one that you feel will be worth sharing. And as Marty Jeffery has taught me, tell a story, make a point. When we hit on the key issue of the story, a point can be made that really drives it home.

Read Vance's Tip of the Week.

July 11, 2019
Customer Retention

This week I have been tasked with getting at least one new Customer sale by my iCan teacher Marty Jeffery. As I’ve reached out to a variety of friends and contacts for a variety of reasons, I’ve had to double check my motives. Am I connecting with them simply to complete a homework assignment or to cross an item off my to-do list? No! My motive today hasn’t changed in the last 27 years. I simply want others to know how great Nikken is and how I find it sad that one of the richest countries in the world is still one of the sickest. And since I cannot wait for our government or western medicine to figure it out, I might as well share Nikken with them.

In contacting a friend yesterday to touch base and simply catch up, she brought up Nikken and asked how often she needed to change the filter and stones in her Waterfall. I merely responded by sharing what the manufacturing documents say (every 90 days and annually), but then added why our family follows this routine. As I was sharing this, I could hear William Todd in my head saying, ‘Remember, people don’t buy because of what you say. They buy because of what you do.’

Customer retention and acquisition in any business is about providing a product or service that no one else can provide in the way we do. Of course there will always be something similar, but when we attach a story of own or our family, it lends a personal touch. My goal when I deliver the Waterfall replacement filter and stones to my friend Michelle will be to get her on a quarterly autoship so she’ll know to change her filter when it arrives every 90 days. This will not only help her, but allow me to eliminate being scolded by her again because it didn’t follow up earlier. Oh, and I think it will take care of next weeks homework assignment which is to get an autoship customer. It’s a win/win.
One other thought that crossed my mind after I finished my conversation with Michelle was simply this, what would our Nikken business look like if we merely added one customer every week? The residual would be HUGE! And while I was on the phone with Michelle I received a text from another customer who wants me to meet her friend tomorrow night to share Nikken with the friends family. I didn’t have to solicit either one of these, but merely followed up. As Ma Bell used to say, reach out and touch someone. Who knows what customer retention would look like for us?


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