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Saturday, August 26, 2017

Free Shipping! and Lavonne Wagonbach on Saturday AM Live!

Click Here to Listen to Vance and Lavonne have a greatly insightful chat.

"Speaking of those who have built businesses out of helping others, Lavonne Wagonbach is a powerhouse of people pleasing! As a mother of many and a grandmother of dozens, this lady is creating a legacy of life as she continues a tradition that she and her late husband started decades ago.

The greatest things that I've learned from Lavonne and Si are how to instantly show the power of these products and encourage folks to make the transition to our Customer Centric Business Model. If you're serious about sharing, her story will encourage you to share more."

Please Read Vance's Tip of the Week

"Free Shipping!

Well, not quite, but we’re knocking on Amazon’s door. It seems as if every company out there offers free shipping with a certain amount of products ordered, in a particular time frame, with a specific item ordered, etc. While Nikken hasn't created a blanket free shipping offering, they are making it very fun with weekly product offerings to obtain free shipping or one cent shipping.

Use the Feed Back Button
Using tools or a third party resource can be vital in educating people as to the value of our products. I’ve found Annie Eng’s presentation on both Ciaga and Bergie really helpful.

Annie Eng introduces Ciaga and Bergisterol 

(12 min in)

Order yours Today
By bundling Customer orders or encouraging people to order a little more than then normally would, we can easily compete with so many companies. Every parent I know is stocking up on school necessities so why not suggest a few back-to-school items that will keep their child healthy in the Petri dish of disease called a classroom. Jades, Immunity, Lactoferrin, KVB, and Omega's are essentials in our home. A 240 point order including a two-pack of Ciaga isn't that big when I make one phone call to a mom who's son is reaching his ideal weight with the KVB and so is she! I can add our regular items to theirs or encourage Em to order a few months worth.

It's all about Customer relationships which is what Nikken has been encouraging us to enjoy for the last few years. Check out this weeks blog about grape seed extract and share it with others. It's your business to help others!

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