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Laurie Jones |
Click Here to Listen to This Weeks Call with two Ladies that know a thing or two about releasing weight.
"Laurie Jones and Sandy Martin are two ladies who encourage me daily. I don’t get to talk with them every day, but their example is what challenges me to take care of this temple where I live. Laurie has dropped over 100 pounds that she carried for decades and Sandy has maintained a super active lifestyle in an amazingly fit 70’s body. Both of them have incredible wisdom to share with us that I think is really beneficial to not only sharing Nikken with others, but to use every day to enjoy the bodies God gave us."
May 31, 2019
"Fit or Fat?
I observed something this week that a photo would have added complete commentary to the experience, but I think I can describe it so that you get the idea of the irony. A gentleman driving a Smart car pulled into a bottle/can recycling center. As I looked closer to watch, I could see several bags of empty soda and beer cans in the passenger seat and the small area behind the seats. The irony is that this person obviously was wise about his investment in a very efficient vehicle and yet not so much in his consumption of beverages. And here’s the kicker…. I would have guessed his weight in excess of 300 pounds.
I’ve shared that story with two different people this week and received two completely different responses. The first person felt sorry for this individual due to their size and maybe lack of knowledge of the negative impact of beer/soda consumption. They went on to comment how abusive we are on our bodies by carrying extra weight and how a simple choice to eliminate sugary drinks and limit alcohol could make a huge difference. The second person literally attacked me that I would even mention the size of the man. They listed all the possible reasons why this man could be this size and criticized me for looking at him this way.
A few years ago I was that man. I carried an extra 50 pounds on my small body and I’m sure that it contributed to some of the knee and lower back issues I have today. Thankfully, Nikken has allowed me to make a change. I went from the fat to fit category over a process of time and for the last several years I’ve been able to enjoy a much better quality of life. I routinely get comments about being skinny or that I must be one of those lucky people who can eat anything without gaining a pound.
Consuming half my body weight in ounces of PiMag water every day and starting my day with easily digestible protein like what's in the KVB has been my secret weapon. That’s it! No extreme diet plan, coaching, exercise routine, etc.. I don’t make the excuses I used to make or justify eating processed junk. It’s as simple as eating real food, but the real key again is starting the day with easily digestible protein. Feed the brain early and it’ll take care of the body all day long.
I don’t obsess over people’s size, I simply notice people and my heart breaks for people who are trapped like I was. It’s very challenging because so many emotional issues are involved with over-eating or poor eating. Fortunately, Nikken has given us a simple solution to share with others.
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