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Saturday, June 15, 2019

Legacy and Chris Bruce on Saturday AM Live

Click Here to Listen to this weeks call With Chris Bruce.

"Robert The Bruce was a major player several hundred years ago who helped shape the country of Scotland. Chris Bruce is doing the same thing in Nikken(though not with a sword) as a direct descendant of the Scottish King and son-in-law of Dave and Valerie Johnson. I was perplexed by his famous legacy that started back in the 1200’s and how he does simple things everyday to make a difference in the lives of others."

Read Vance's Tip of the week.

June 14, 2019


In a few minutes I will say farewell to our Korean exchange student who has lived with our family for the last five months. During this time I have learned much about another country that I was completely unfamiliar with other than Kia automobiles were manufactured there. Actually, truth be told, I really didn’t even know that.

What I did know is that Nikken manufactures quite a few of our products in South Korea. Asian countries all have their own unique traits and the one thing in common is a rich history of culture and tradition. I find it fascinating that as we as a company are just a few years shy of 50 years old, yet we can tap into the legacy of a small country that has endured many ups and downs while still being a powerhouse player on the world market.

Part of my mission statement that I wrote after my first Humans Being More experience in 1994 includes the phrase ‘to leave a legacy for future generations’. While I don’t know exactly what that looks like, I know that everyday I have the opportunity to make small decisions that will have lasting impact. Or as our pastor says, ‘It’s not the perfection of our lives, but the direction’.

Having a focus on the 5 Pillars of Health causes one to consider the legacy that we will leave. Five months isn’t a long time, but I know our family is richer because we chose to step out and invite in a stranger to our already over active lifestyle. Yep, as I learned a long time ago, it’s not about what happens when we get into Nikken, it’s when Nikken gets into us that things really get exciting!"


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