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Saturday, September 19, 2015

September 19, 2015 - Rogers Mentoring Call

Listen to September 19, 2015 Rogers Kaizen Mentoring Call #31

Vance emailed this week: "What would my growth look like if I treated everyday as the last day of the month?  Can I increase the intensity in all 5 Pillars so that I’m gaining/giving just a little more?

These are two questions that I challenged myself with this week after taking part in the leadership call with Ben Woodward.  We've seen some fantastic growth and yet I still know that I can give more in order to gain more.

September 18, 2015

DUK - The Godfather of Attention Getters

Royal Diamond Herb Rapp describes Nikken's newest product this way due to its amazing ability to grab a persons attention within seconds.  I couldn’t agree more.  Yesterday while having breakfast with a friend, he asked me if the DUK would help with his arthritis in his shoulders.  Without even responding verbally, I simply removed two of the pre-cut pieces from my gear bag and applied them across his shoulders

About 45 seconds later, Doug put down his fork and with a look of intense amazement said, 'I'm sold!  How much does that cost, how long will it last and how soon can I get more?'

Having a few pieces of the DUK pre-cut in 3 to 4 inch pieces with the corners rounded is a fantastic business card.  Not everyone is going to have a response as fast as my friend, but most do.  The fun part is that we get to grab a persons attention quickly and expose them to the world of wellness solutions that we've come to know and love.

And speaking of grabbing a persons attention...  What better way than with a free PowerBand Necklace?  Anyone who orders more than $150 before Sunday night at midnight automatically receives the freebee!  See the details on the website and call a few friends.  This is a $45 value!  The end of the summer may not thrill everyone, but Nikken has made it very exciting by throwing an excellent gift our direction."

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