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We cover a different topic every week. From prospecting to product training, registering Customers vs. Consultants, and of course, the power of live stories... we'll do our best to continue covering it all. Contact: Vance 503-348-0749

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Saturday, December 31, 2016

Last Call of 2016 with Retailing Guru Tony Collins

Tony Collins
Click Here to Listen to Call

"Tony Collins has done a little bit of everything to pay the bills and put food on the table. From farming, construction, welding, and currently driving truck, he’s performed a variety of blue collar duties during his adult life. But he admits, building his Nikken Customer base with his heart is far more rewarding than building anything with his hands. It’s pretty much the norm for Tony to hit the 10,000 mark each month in personal volume. ‘Would you want me to share how I do this? I’ll be happy to!,’ was his comment to me."

Tony shared these links with Vance:

"Here are a couple videos I have watched in the past.

Gary Bolton

How to sell

God Hears God Listens God Speaks and God Delivers

Have a blessed day

Tony Collins"

Our Nikken Family Provides the Guidance
Vance's Tip of the Week

"December 31, 2016,

Happy New Year!

Since I didn't get a chance to drop my regular 'Vance's Tip' email [during the week before the call], I thought this version might be even better. Steve Crofoot is the master webmaster and provides these excellent posts on
My conversation with Tony Collins was a true highlight for me. His sincere humble approach of sharing Nikken with others is a style that I hope to emulate soon. By taking his advice and following his example, I'm confident that all of us can be among the elite top retailers just like him.
Nikken is about to unveil some incredible incentives for those of us like Tony who are willing to go the extra mile by sharing these amazing products and the fantastic business opportunity. Here's to a fantastic 2017 and beyond!

Happy New Year from
Nikken International

Join us for the 2017 Kickoff Call.
Learn about everything new for 2017!
Tuesday, January 3rd @ 6 PM PT/9 PM ET

Dial: 641-715-3570

Pin: 444801  

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Vance's Tip & 2017 Projections

Click Here to Listen to Call

Throughout this year, we have heard amazing stories of success in all 5 Pillars. Now it’s time to project your story as it will actually occur in 2017! Do you know what that story will be? Can you determine it with complete clarity? Absolutely!!!

Resolutionists set goals and then fall short within a few days due to the difficulty or because the goal is completely unattainable. Radicalists on the other hand know exactly the effort that is required and make small corrections to perfect desired results.

Here’s your assignment:

Pick any one of the 5 Pillars where you’re seeking improvement and share your story as it’s already come to pass. For example, ‘In the Healthy Mind pillar, I am reading one book a month and reciting positive affirmations at the beginning of every day.’

Vance’s Tip of the Week

"December 16th, 2016

‘Nikken is committed to providing the highest-quality products enabling people from all walks of life to achieve Active Wellness’.

‘Don’t focus on what you can’t do; focus instead on what you can do... And then do it!' -  Billy Graham

Michael DiMuccio shared this week that he has been literally bounding out of bed lately with a new sense of purpose and passion for Nikken. He stated that we all need to realize our divine sovereign purpose. The sooner we tap into that, the sooner we’ll be a success in life.

As the amount of Christmas gifts grows under our tree, the anticipation from Addi (our youngest) expands to the point of spontaneous combustion. ‘How many more sleeps till Christmas Eve?’

I feel this same way about the stories we’re creating and what we are about to experience with Nikken on January 1st. I know what my purpose is and through living life to its fullest potential every day, I get to tap into that. Yes, anticipation is brutal, but the more people I invite to see the gift of Nikken, the more I get to fulfill that divine sovereign purpose. Let’s live life on purpose by focusing on what we can do!


Saturday, December 10, 2016

Enabling People from All Walks of Life to Achieve Active Wellness

Ruth and Robert Loh
Click Here to Listen to Call with Ruth Loh

"Ruth Loh is the only person in Nikken’s history to win a Mercedes E20(sticker price $53,000). Back in 2001 there was a contest that Ruth completely blew away the competition. This last month she did it again by helping 5 people advance to Senior and earned the grand prize of $2500.

For Ruth though, there’s more at stake than simply the extra money earned. The real prize for her is the people whom she’s able to lead to a new income bracket. And ultimately it’s the people’s lives that are being impacted with these products."

Vance's Tip of the Week:

"December 9th, 2016

‘Nikken is committed to providing the highest-quality products enabling people from all walks of life to achieve Active Wellness’.

‘Don’t find fault, find remedy.’ - Henry Ford
Most of the Nikken Consultants and Customers definitely have found a way to find remedy in the solutions we have today. Whether it’s a complete Naturest sleep system to restore the bodies ability to heal at night or simply a pair of mSteps to alleviate sore feet, the Nikken products really do provide ways for people to achieve Active Welness.

As we approach the end of 2016, our family is just as grateful for our Nikken products as we are for this wonderful business. Knowing what lies ahead with a simplified compensation plan, I am literally chomping at the bit to get more business partners plugged into into this wealth creating machine. But we are not waiting! And we encourage you to do the same.

Contact Us Today

The fastest way that I know to really bring about change this time of year is to start implementing goals now. Don’t be a resolutionist waiting for January 1st only to break that commitment within a week. Wanna find remedy in each of the 5 Pillars? Tweak your daily routine now and you’ll be three weeks ahead of everyone else. You’ve made a choice to be part of Nikken for a reason, so why not really get the most out of it?"


P.S.  Notice the "New" Core Consultants Newsletter Tab just above Today's Post

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Terrific Testimony with the Touch

Larry Haffner
Click here to Listen to Call

"On April 1st, 2014, Larry wanted to have the ride of his life. What he hadn’t planned on that it nearly cost him his life! Both ankles broken and lower back from a para gliding accident. His chute opened and then collapsed from a down draft dropping him from 75 feet up onto the rocks below. $279,000 hospital bill and that doesn't include rehab therapy.

First time using the Kenko Touch
 this week he noticed a little improvement. The next morning after one session he's touching his toes with no discomfort for the first time since his accident. Not bad for a guys who is 74 years young and one who has had constant struggles during the last two and a half years."

Vance's Tip of the Week

Watch Video  Shop Now!
"December 2nd, 2016

‘Nikken is committed to providing the highest-quality products enabling people from all walks of life to achieve Active Wellness’. 

Kenko Touch

Appropriately Named

Affordably Priced

Affectionately Experienced

My back injury from a 75 foot waterfall plunge 25 years ago is all but gone now, but it flares up in colder weather and when I work too hard. I used the Touch a few times three weeks ago and I'm totally blown away by the residual results.

People with chronic issues that are 
Make a list. Check it twice.
See who is Hungry and Nice!
We will guide you!

sometimes life altering are getting some pretty amazing results. It's like the magnetics of a MRI machine, negative ions from a lightening bolt, and the FIR light waves from an infrared sauna all rolled into a handheld device.

I dare you to make a list of your friends with the biggest hurts or anyone that you’d like to have on your team. Now call them and set appointments. Watch what happens when they start playing with the Touch. We’ve never had a product that garners such immediate results like this one does."
