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Saturday, December 10, 2016

Enabling People from All Walks of Life to Achieve Active Wellness

Ruth and Robert Loh
Click Here to Listen to Call with Ruth Loh

"Ruth Loh is the only person in Nikken’s history to win a Mercedes E20(sticker price $53,000). Back in 2001 there was a contest that Ruth completely blew away the competition. This last month she did it again by helping 5 people advance to Senior and earned the grand prize of $2500.

For Ruth though, there’s more at stake than simply the extra money earned. The real prize for her is the people whom she’s able to lead to a new income bracket. And ultimately it’s the people’s lives that are being impacted with these products."

Vance's Tip of the Week:

"December 9th, 2016

‘Nikken is committed to providing the highest-quality products enabling people from all walks of life to achieve Active Wellness’.

‘Don’t find fault, find remedy.’ - Henry Ford
Most of the Nikken Consultants and Customers definitely have found a way to find remedy in the solutions we have today. Whether it’s a complete Naturest sleep system to restore the bodies ability to heal at night or simply a pair of mSteps to alleviate sore feet, the Nikken products really do provide ways for people to achieve Active Welness.

As we approach the end of 2016, our family is just as grateful for our Nikken products as we are for this wonderful business. Knowing what lies ahead with a simplified compensation plan, I am literally chomping at the bit to get more business partners plugged into into this wealth creating machine. But we are not waiting! And we encourage you to do the same.

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The fastest way that I know to really bring about change this time of year is to start implementing goals now. Don’t be a resolutionist waiting for January 1st only to break that commitment within a week. Wanna find remedy in each of the 5 Pillars? Tweak your daily routine now and you’ll be three weeks ahead of everyone else. You’ve made a choice to be part of Nikken for a reason, so why not really get the most out of it?"


P.S.  Notice the "New" Core Consultants Newsletter Tab just above Today's Post

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