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Monday, March 6, 2017

H.O.P.E. and Sharing it with Others

Click here to listen to this week's call.

With an exciting quarterly incentive coming next month, free shipping & free Paleo bars before that, and 424 Consultants from North America in the running for a free trip to Japan, I can't think of a better topic than QPPV, QPPGV, OV, & GGSCPV. OK, I made up that last one, but seriously, we can let these things get so confusing when they really don't have to be.

When we remember that we have life changing products and a whole world of potential Customers, these issues seem to work themselves out. I wanna share some things that have been really helpful to me in gathering Customers lately and how to maximize the Qualifying volume issue. Please be ready for some fun dialogue and maybe even some sparing.

Vance's Tip of the Week

March 3, 2017

H.O.P.E. - Helping Other People Excel

It's one thing to experience Nikken's life changing products myself or see the results in a family member, but when a friend or new acquaintance literally gets giddy with excitement, then I do believe that's when we've been able to bring true hope to an individual. Whether it's something minor like a simple headache or something more spectacular like a chronic condition, we really do have some fun solutions combined with a philosophy that is second to none. 

The things that can trip us up from being these 'ambassadors of hope' is when people don't get results as fast as we were hoping for or we encounter an objection that we don't have an answer for. What keeps me on the right path is knowing that the glass is always full of something and there is potential for a chance of success. 

After all, that's what real hope is. It's knowing that there is a solution for every situation and that eventually we'll find it.


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