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Saturday, June 9, 2018

A Fulfilled Life and Michael DiMuccio on Saturday AM Live!

Michael DiMuccio
Click Here to Listen to Vance with Michael DiMuccio. It's AMAZING!

"Live from Japan, it’s the founder of Good Vibrations International, Michael DiMuccio! Well, not really live from Japan, but recently returned from the Orient and definitely one who lives out his company name, he will be sharing some highlights from the birthplace of Nikken. Michael has been an example of the 5 Pillars of Health for a quarter of a century and as a new member of Team Kaizen, he has some key principles to share with us that have been the foundation of his success."

Read Vance's Tip of the Week

June 8, 2018

" 'A Fulfilled Life'

‘Do you enjoy this?’ While this question caught me off guard this week from a fourth generation member of our community, I thoroughly enjoyed the 

discussion that followed. I shared with him about our family values and why we do what we do everyday. I’m not sure he completely understood the life we live sharing Nikken with others, but at least I planted another seed into some soil that may bring a harvest some day.
Michael and Nikken CEO Mr. Kurt Fulle
The beautiful thing about Nikken is that we’re all on the same team doing our best to share the balanced life that we’re seeking to live out everyday. It won’t ever be perfect by any means, but it sure is fun going in the same direction as others who are seeking a fulfilled life.


Michael and Nikken Founder, Isamu Masuda,
 shortly after Michael joined Nikken. 
The Rest of The Story.

I have heard Michael say, when he was new in Nikken, he knew Nikken was going to be big, just not how big. In the back of his mind, he wondered if Nikken was big enough for him to be involved with it.

He told of when he received his answer in a Facebook Post dated February 26, 2014. Michael included a picture which I cropped this photo from. Below is the text that was included. 

"This is the moment of truth! It was at this very instant I asked Mr. Isamu Masuda a critical question. Through his response, I saw that he was the 'real deal' and I made a firm commitment to share in his humble vision. He remains the source of inspiration in the heart of Nikken."

It's time we make our firm commitment. Thank you Michael for living this: See It. Believe It. Live It. Share It. Find Joy In It!

Have the Greatest,


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