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Saturday, August 4, 2018

Click Here to Listen to this Weeks Saturday AM Live

Last Saturday Elaine Connelly provided the most incredible 25 minute overview of the Orlando experience. While I know I cannot articulate as good as she did, there were several thoughts that raced through my mind during her trailer of this two day event. New products, packaging, tweaked compensation plan, etc. What does it all mean and how does it all empower us to move forward at an accelerated pace?
‘Do you want to be well?’ is the question that I keep hearing in my head as I see what Nikken has to offer people today and with what was introduced in Orlando I feel as if we’ve been re-branded, re-launched and quite possibly re-born WITHOUT all the hype & hoopla that usually goes with something like this.

Read Vance's Tip of the Week!

August 3, 2018

" 'Having our cake and eating it too!'

The follow up book to King Solomon’s great wise writings in Proverbs is a short few chapters that have been translated into many pop culture songs. As I read this morning, Ecclesiastes 2:24 sort of jumped off the page at me.

‘There is nothing better for a man or woman that to eat, drink, and to enjoy their work.’

This is exactly how I feel about ‘playing’ Nikken today. We’ve been given the most incredible life-changing products, simple compensation plan, and company philosophy in the industry. I don’t say this because I’m bias, I simply say it because it’s true.

Products - At least once a month I’m asked to look at a company by a friend who has ventured into this industry and give them my opinion. While I enjoy the flattery of my thoughts, I grow weary of this reverse phycology style of recruiting. Just like at the grocery store, most of the time all we have to do is take a quick look at the ingredients to see that words that must be looked up to define are probably not things we want to put in our body.

Compensation Plan - With weekly & monthly pay-outs, no sign up bonuses, product packaging(new packs), and real-time rank advancement for any volume created, I truly feel that what we have now can launch people into building a residual source of income that will last for years to come.

Nikken Philosophy - The 5 Pillars of Health is more than just core values, it’s a fantastic way to show people what we are striving for. In order to be a success in life, most of the great leaders in history didn’t seek just one area in their lives to pursue, they eventually came to terms with a concept of balance. Celebrities are not necessarily great leaders because they’re often put on a pedestal because they can act, sing, or play a sport a little better than the others in their field. A real leader is one who constantly seeks ways to improve every area around them.
So if you’re looking for a way to have your cake and eat it too, take a deeper look at what Nikken has. Plug into some of the amazing weekly Zoom or conference calls. The folks sharing are the ones that have discovered it and are living it."

July 28, 2018

Click Here to download a Flyer for the New Nikken Packs.

Here is the real version of what I feel will be the catalyst to give our Customers & friends exactly what they're looking for. Nearly $100 discount on the Water and Energy Packs, plus free shipping on the Water Pack during the first month of sign up($45 savings).

Nikken has just stepped it up a notch to prove that they're committed to helping people get the products they need at prices that even Amazon cannot compete with!


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