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Saturday, April 13, 2019

Only Nikken and San Diego Sensations on Saturday AM Live

Mary, Barb and Mary
Click Here to Listen to This Weeks Call with Barb Satterwhite, Gwen Carter, and Mary Bowser.

San Diego Sensations No, they’re not a trio of amazing artists or a band that is taking Southern California by storm, they’re three amazing ladies who all made the trek from Virginia to the event this weekend and offered to share the highlights with us. Barb Satterwhite, Gwen Carter, and Mary Bowser will give us the best of what they can capsulize in 30 minutes of less. They’ve been to a few conferences before and I cannot think of anyone better to glean the best of a 30 year old celebration. It’ll be fast paced so be ready to take good notes.

Read Vance's Tip of the Week

I memorized the iCan mantra years ago and it’s part of what fuels my passion for this company today. ‘My iCan Attitude only adds value to my brand. These values must substantiate my companies position as the only total wellness company making me a go-to resource for my target group.’ Sure, other companies have some amazing claims with great products and even greater people and yet they don’t address all the components of wellness. They may have a few wonderful items to help a variety of issues, but if we’re really honest, they cannot claim to be a one-stop shop for wellness. Again, we have to be honest.

So as we embark on the next year, decade, and beyond, we’ve now logged in 30 amazing years here in North America and I think we can truly say…. Only Nikken!


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