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Saturday, September 21, 2019

Water, Water, Water and Pam Barnes RDH

Click Here to Listen to This Weeks Call with Pam Barnes

As a dental hygienist, Pam Barnes loves pearly whites, but loves to brag about what Nikken’s water solutions can do for those great teeth even more. Slightly alkaline water is proven to break down plaque, alter the PH of the mouth, and even become addictive. Pam will share her thoughts as well as be open to answer questions on this topic.

Read Vance's Tip of the Week
September 20, 2019

Water, Water, Water

As our outdoor activities slow down, most of us forget that our water consumption should not. Half our body weight in ounces of water sounds like a HUGE amount if you’re still struggling to get the 8 to 10 glasses a day, but when you think about it, its so much easier to simply take your body weight, divide it into half, and start drinking!

I watch outside all the grass that may have dried out over the summer start to green up again. It doesn’t ever complain about too much Fall rain or make excuses why it adapted to it’s brown or tan color a few months ago, it simply does it’s thing. So why, I always ask, do we as humans say things like, ‘I have to pee too much or I don’t like the taste of water or my favorite…. I know I should drink more so I’ve started drinking fizzy water’.

Besides oxygen, the first thing a paramedic will do for any trauma patient is to give them an IV drip. Pure water with a fraction of salt directly into the bloodstream. But why do we have to wait for the first responders to come? Wouldn’t it be easier to eliminate the problem long before it takes place?
Nikken’s water solutions help people get over their excuses and will literally give them their lives back. Water is one of the simplest ways to start.


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