Amazing Couple Ricky and Jeannie |
Click Here to Listen to this Weeks Call.
Vance emailed this March 23, 2018.
"A week from tomorrow [March 31, 2018]… Jeannie Zedan and her husband Rick are known for their ability to ‘pitch’ products. Having worked as professional pitch people on TV and anywhere else they can share their wares, they know how to share just enough to make a sale. I’ve asked Jeannie to sell you on the iCan Attitude program commencing on April 16th. With new products and a completely new way to purchase our own products, the timing of what Jeannie is going to share is absolutely huge. And from a personal perspective, I’ve never experienced anything like the growth I do when I jump into this program. It would be an honor to have you join Jeannie and a few others as we learn to have the best iCan Attitude ever!
March 23, 2018
Building Needs Walls and Roof |
Many Hands Make Walls Go Up |
We do this same thing in Nikken every time we tell our story. We don't know who we're gonna impact years from now. Just like every board I cut, nail I drive, smile I give... I have NO IDEA how that little investment will impact a life years from now.
The simple key is being passionate about something!
Have a fantastic week, end of the month, and all around amazing Easter. I can't wait to talk with you on Monday the 2nd.
Walls Are Up |
Vance texts just before noon today. "Teamwork or as those in Greece would say, Koinania. People coming together with a single purpose. On Monday about 11 am our team arrived at the church site to the structure in the first photo. By Wednesday afternoon we had four walls framed, papered, covered with chicken wire ready for stucco, and tipped into place. The roof will go on today in the half day we have remaining.
The Roof Is On |
Like the 3 snapshots above, are there one or two things that impacted you the most during the
The Rogers Brothers and Pastor Javier |
While I cannot be on the call live, I look forward to hearing these on Monday night. And thank you sooo much for your prayers. It's been an incredible few days with God's hand on us, the van, and our tools in so many ways. Working along side of this team and people from the bible school & church has been wonderful.
Happy Easter Everyone! Thank You Vance for "Leading by Serving" so many so well! Steve
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