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Saturday, December 29, 2018

Decisive Decisions that Determine Destiny

Click Here to Listen to this weeks call with Herb Rapp.

Herb Rapp is one of the many Wellness Consultants I know who has figured out how to live a life that others only dream of. In his 70’s, he is still living life with the passion of a teenager. He’s also the only member of Team Kaizen who has been part of this elite group since its inception. Herb has logged in a quarter century of not only sharing Nikken’s 5 Pillars of Health, but living it to it’s fullest. He probably has a few tips worth sharing?
If I don’t get the opportunity to say it to you directly, my prayer is that you will truly find the way to enjoy life to it’s fullest in 2019 and beyond.

Read Vance's Tip of the Week.

December 28, 2018

Resolutionist vs Radical

It’s that time of year again when most of the seven billion people on the planet pick one or two things that they’re going to do differently in the new year. While this is a fantastic way to make decisions, it’s a very poor way to manage ones life. Why? Because most of us lack the determination to stick it out.

The number one resolution amongst Americans is to lose weight or any of the things associated with taking better care with the physical body. The Apostle Paul challenged one of his young mentees to ‘get his mind ready for action’ and my friend/coach Marty Jeffery teaches ‘we cannot think ourselves into right actions, but we must act ourselves into right thinking.’ In the ‘doing’ of anything is when change occurs.

This week I had a friend tell me that I looked great. Before I could even say thank you, he immediately asked what I was doing, but before I could even respond he answered his own question by saying, ‘Oh I know. It’s the 5 Pillars isn’t it?’ We both enjoyed a laugh.

This week the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention released the latest study on weight. America is struggling with an obesity epidemic, and this report concludes that the population is only
getting heavier. Men have added eight pounds and women seven in the last 15 years to the average weight per person. We must be getting taller right? NOT! We’re just getting more foolish in our excuses and our justifications.

While everything isn’t just about weight, it’s a really good indication of all the other areas that seem to hinder us from experiencing complete victory in the 5 Pillars of Health. Being radical means that we simply have to make decisions that things will be different and then figure out a way to bring about change. It’s acting on a decisive decision that will bring change, not making a resolution and then breaking it within a few days with a quick justification of ‘Well, there’s always next year!’. I’ll share more about this next time with what I call wisdom from Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, 5 Pillars style."

Vance Rogers

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